WHAT DO WE MEAN BY DEVELOPED? Advanced Grown Progressed Strong Improved Evolved Healthy
Developed Countries? High levels of economic development -Economic development is the increase in the amount of people in a nation's population with sustained growth from a simple, low-income economy to a modern, high-income economy. Their economy is diverse. Not based on one “item”. High level of Industrialization. High GDP rate
Developed Countries " A developed country is one that allows all its citizens to enjoy a free and healthy life in a safe environment.” Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations. FREE, HEALTHY, SAFE Countries that have a relatively high level of industrialization and standard of living. -Merriam-Webster Dictionary. INDUSTRIALIZATION A country with a high per capita income and modern secondary and tertiary sectors. PER CAPITA INCOME
What Makes Them Classified as “DEVELOPED” According to some economic measures, countries would be described as “developed” if they have a high level of development in these particular measures: GDP Industrialization HDI (national income, life expectancy and education) Countries that achieve high levels in these criteria would be classified as “developed countries” . Countries that score low levels in these criteria would be classified as “Developing Countries”.
Key Points in Developing an Economy Diversification is important for strengthening economies, in order not collapse easily. The Infrastructure of the country is also an important aspect in recognizing “developed countries”. Global trade brings economic growth
Some of the issues that stand in the way of developing an economy are: Poverty (especially for developing nations ) (21) Government Corruption (seriously hinders economic progress) ( High Population Growth Political Instability Miller, Debra A. (Editor) Developing Nations, Christine Nasso, Farmington Hills, 2007