Sales Calling 101 Created by Cynthia Moore January 31, 2014 This presentation will explain the process of sales calling, how to qualify a lead and book an appointment.
Leads You will find your the link to your leads in the Calling Management wiki page. Scroll down and find your name and link. Clicking on the link under your name will take you to your leads in Quickbase. You will sort your leads in QB 'oldest to newest' Click the pencil icon to open/edit the leads record.
Quickbase Fields The business field is REB (real estate business) let's us know the lead is in real estate. It will be Lifebushido if non-real estate related. Group – New Lead – Sales (type of lead) Lead's name, address, phone number, email address. Status – We use VM1,2,3,4, Hot, Warm, Cold, Scheduled with Steve and Not Qualified. Last Call – The day you call the lead
Quickbase Fields Call Back Date – Varies. We attempt the lead 5 time's over the course of 2 to 3 weeks. Calling them every 3 days until the 5th attempt. After 5th attempt, we set them out for a 3 month follow up call or if they tell us a specific time set it for then. Company website – Gives agents website. Comment box – Put important info in this box such as an alt. Phone number, email address,etc. Assign to: Your name will be here if it's yours.
Steps of calling Scroll to the bottom to the “activity” box. Click on the blue hyperlink (Show all entries) Briefly look at the notes to see what happened last time the lead was contacted. Make the call. Leave voicemail if no answer Send email1 (Email1 if first attempt) Always cc Steve on all emails to leads. Enter call date & call back date 3 days later. Change status if necessary Enter notes in activity box
Look at activity box to see past notes Call lead 2nd attempt call to lead. Look at activity box to see past notes Call lead If VM again – Leave voicemail. Send email 2, always cc Steve (keep sending emails in the order of Email 1,2,3,4,5 if no answers) Fill in date fields. CB Date 3 days out Input your notes in activity field. 2/1/4 - VM2, Email2. Cynthia Moore Each attempt with be noted as VM1, Email1 VM2, Email2, etc. or Not available. Email2.
To move to the next lead, scroll to the top of the page and click on the next button. This will open up another lead. Use the same process as before. If you reach a receptionist and lead is not available, send an email to the lead. If this is the 3rd attempt, send email3. If you reach the lead and they are not interested, the status will be warm. You will set the call back date out for 3 months and attempt touch base with them again.
Voicmail 1,2,3,4,5 Voicemail statuses should be used for leads that are brand new, usually a new lead will be statused as “need to qualify”. After first attempt, you should change it to VM1. 2nd attempt, VM2 and so on. When you reach a agent live, status should change to “Scheduled with Steve, Hot, Warm, Cold or not Qualified.
Warm Leads If we have had contact with a lead, their status should be “warm”. If they tell you they are not interested, they should still be considered “warm”. Real Estate agents needs change often. Today, they may have an assistant, tomorrow they may not, etc. Leads should remain warm unless they become hot or cold.
Hot leads If you speak with a lead and they are interested in scheduling with Steve but are busy or don't have their calendar with them but would like you to call back or email them with some available dates, this lead would become “HOT”. Put call back date as appropriate.
Cold Leads if a lead tells you to take them off our list, do not call again, they are retired, no longer in real estate or will never be interested in our services, the status should be “COLD”. If a lead tells you to take them off the list or not to call them again, change status to “cold”, change the group field to “delete”, leave call back date blank and remove your name from the “assigned to” field.
Scheduling a call with Steve If you reach someone that is interested in a call with Steve, you will need to qualify the lead. After qualifying the lead, you will book on Steve's scheduler. There are 2 different scheduler's that you can book a call on. IBAB (Into to Best Agent Business) or 30 minutes call with Steve – RE.
Qualified VS Non-qualified leads You can only book a lead if they are qualified or have an serious interest in our services. To be qualified, a lead must be above $5 million sales volume or $100,000 GCI (Gross Commission Income) If a lead is below $5 million or $100,000 GCI and do not have an interest in our services, we cannot book them on a call with Steve. You would status this lead as “not qualified” and put call back date 1 year out.
Business Analysis Questions There is a set of questions that we ask if a lead is qualified and wants to speak with Steve. You can find them HERE Please make detailed notes of your conversation and add them in your notes in QB. It is important that you ask as many of the questions on the list as possible. These questions will make the call more productive for them. It will only take approx. 10 minutes of their time.
IBAB Conference Call IBAB is a conference call where up to 4 people can be scheduled. These calls take place Monday – Friday at 11 AM EST. If you scheduled this conference call, you must attend it. If you are unable to attend, email Cynthia and she will sit in or have someone else do so. You will announce that you are on the call and can be on mute as you listen to Steve and the lead.
30 minutes with Steve - RE This scheduler 30 minutes with Steve - RE is a private one-on-one call with Steve. These spots are available Monday – Friday at 4:00 EST. You can set this as a direct call where Steve calls the lead direct or you can set it up as a conference call, if you want to attend. If you set up as a conference call, you must attend it. You will find instructions here on how to set up conference call.
If you schedule a call with Steve, set status as “Scheduled with Steve. Set call back date as “day of the scheduled call”. Type notes in 'activity' box Save lead Open up lead in 'view' mode and in the email box type and hit email button. This lets Cynthia & Steve know you set appointment.
Finishing up calling session There are 3 steps that needs to be taken at the end of a calling session. Daily Email Report Daily Log Goal Action
Daily Email Report This reports needs to include: Hours: Dials: Live List all LIVE answers and results of the call. Example: Jane Doe – Jane is not interested in our services but said I could follow up in 3 months.
Goal Actions A goal action must be done in order to be paid for your time. Email Cynthia for an example of what a goal action should look like.
Daily Log Daily log is located in QB base apps. Email Cynthia for example of a daily log.
Congratulations! You have completed your first training for Sales Calling! Please email Cynthia if you have any questions, comments or need more information about anything in this training. You are on your way of setting your first appointment! Good Luck!