Year 5 Autumn Term 2017 Read your reading book at home every day Practise spelling words by sounding out and writing them Practise writing stories, lists, invitations, labels etc. Practise number bonds to 20 Share great books with your family and talk about the stories. Talk about your learning with writing Share great books with your family and talk about the stories. Talk about your learning with your family. . In English we will be learning to… Make comparisons within and across books Predict what might happen from details stated and implied Use a thesaurus Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors Write with the correct tense throughout a piece of writing Use commas in writing Use a colon to introduce a list and use bullet points In Maths we will be learning to… Read, write and order numbers to 1 million and know the value of each digit Add and subtract numbers with 4 digits Multiply and divide numbers up to 4 digits by 1 and 2 digit numbers Compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same number Measure the perimeter of shapes that can be broken down into squares and rectangles Year 5 Autumn Term 2017 In Science we will be learning to… Describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system Describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth Explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object Identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces What else can I do at home? Read every day Practise spellings and sounds Practise all times tables and their division facts Try the Home/School book ‘Challenges’ Observe the night time sky Find topic related objects and bring them into school
Prehistoric Britain Year 5 Autumn Term 2017 In Art and Design we will be learning to… Use colour, line and shape Develop our painting and drawing skills Develop a knowledge of the history of wall painting (Stone Age to modern Graffiti Art) In Design Technology we will be learning to… Design and make a drawstring bag Evaluate our work Year 5 Autumn Term 2017 In Computing we will be learning to… Understand how a computer works Use algorithms (instructions) and programming skills In PE we will be learning to… Develop multi-skills through gym, dance and games Prehistoric Britain In Geography we will be learning to… Name and locate counties, cities and geographical regions of the United Kingdom In History we will be learning to… Understand the changes in prehistoric Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age We will also be learning to: Think and ask questions in our Philosophy for Children lessons Develop Self-awareness and Self-esteem Get along with others and how to say, “No!” to bullying (PSHCE/SEAL) Understand how some people inspire others (RE) In MFL we will be learning to… Extend our French vocabulary and develop confidence speaking aloud In Music we will be learning to… Explore performance and listening