South America Latin America
History: Spanish- Speaking South America It’s believed most natives came from North America and eventually settled in the South Incas settled the west coast from 1150- 1500s Spanish explorers conquered the area in 1531 Europeans controlled area until 1800s when citizens began fighting for independence.
History: Portugal’s Brazil Portuguese gained control of the East Coast of South America due to the Treaty of Tordesillas Sugar plantations built around the coast but eventually started spreading west destroying the rainforest Independence gained for Brazilians in 1822
Politics: South America Several nations have had authoritarian leaders Brazil and Chile were run by military dictatorships Colombia and Peru have been run at times by drug cartels Venezuela was ruled for years by communist leader Hugo Chavez Most are democratic today
Economies: South America Mercosur Economic common market focusing on free trade to make nations more stable Farming Crops like grain, cotton, sugar Fishing Shrimp and fish Natural Resources Iron, oil, gold, silver, copper
Population and Urbanization Most people live in cities in South America but are still extremely poor Favelas- slums that exist in Brazil Unemployment and crime increase High levels of air pollution from cars and factories Governments cannot afford to handle population increases Infrastructure: Includes things such as sewers, transportation, electricity, and housing
Culture: South America Divided Ethnicity Native American ancestry in Northern South America Mestizos- mix of European and Native American descent Mulattoes- mix of European and African descent Language Spanish in most nations French in French Guiana English in Guyana Dutch in Suriname Portuguese in Brazil
Culture: South America United Catholicism unites the people across the continent