Developing Your Team Leadership JAMY BECHLER @CoachBechler
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“How do I get my team to do what I say?” Have you ever thought? “How do I get my team to do what I say?” “We have no leadership on this team!” “Why won’t they execute the plays correctly?” “There is no chemistry on this team!” “There kids are ___________!”
Coaching Challenges
Our coaching problems are not always X’s and O’s related
Lack of Leadership
“My team doesn’t listen to me.” Have you heard … “My team doesn’t listen to me.” “I want to lead but nobody will follow me?” “I can’t get the team to do what they are supposed to do.” “My team doesn’t listen to me.” “How do I get my teammates to respect me?” “I am just a ___________. Why would they listen to me”
Qualities of a Leader
A leader is one who KNOWS the way, GOES the way, and SHOWS the way A leader is one who KNOWS the way, GOES the way, and SHOWS the way. (John C. Maxwell)
INFLUENCE YOUR TEAM INFLUENCE YOURSELF FIRST INFLUENCE YOUR FRIENDS Their Friend Their Friend Their Friend Their Friend Their Friend Their Friend Their Friend Their Friend Their Friend INFLUENCE YOUR TEAM
Captains Be wise with your “positional leadership” Traditional vote Upperclassmen Game-by-Game Class Representatives JV Captains
Behind the scenes choices and influences shape your team
The best coaches model and teach true leadership
Prepare your team now for what is SURE to come
Educate them as a team and individually
People buy things from those that they know, like or trust.
You get what you emphasize You get what you emphasize. Be intentional about developing your player’s leadership skills.
(765) 661-2841 CoachBechler.Com @CoachBechler Leadership Training for Coaches Leadership Training for Athletes Motivational Speaking for Teams and Athletes *Making Championship Choices *Becoming a Leader & Person of Influence *Branding Yourself Positively on Social Media (765) 661-2841 CoachBechler.Com @CoachBechler