Certification Certification WATER CONSERVATION RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION OF UTAH And The UTAH DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WATER CONSERVATION Certification Certification October 26-27, 2017 Salt Lake City, UT
Certification Dates & Location: Date: October 26-27, 2017 Location: Utah Division of Water Resources Salt Lake City, UT Two Day Certification Day 1: Training – 6 hours Day 2: Training – 4 hours Exam – 2 hours WATER CONSERVATION Certification
Training Topics Our Experts Will Cover: Certification Creating a culture of conservation Preparing a Water Conservation Plan. Water system efficiency Conducting a water loss audit. Training WATER CONSERVATION Certification
Training Topics Our Experts Will Cover: : Certification Metering / Measuring - pros & cons. How to start your own water check program How to implement your own water conservation program. Creating / Amending conservation ordinances. Training WATER CONSERVATION Certification
Training Topics Our Experts Will Cover: : Certification Customer / Public relations & communication Talking to the public about the educational material available. Water conservation pricing and budgeting / Landscape watering times Setting up a leak detection program Training WATER CONSERVATION Certification
Training Topics Our Experts Will Cover: : Certification The impact of water conservation on wastewater systems How water conservation affects your water rights Secondary Systems - pros & cons …..and Much More! Training WATER CONSERVATION Certification
Exam Certification Exam: Certification Two hours to complete 100 questions Online / Onsite exam so attendees will know results as soon as they finish their exam Those who pass the exam will receive a certificate Exam WATER CONSERVATION Certification
Exam After Passing The Exam – Now Certified: Certification Certification period begins the January after the exam was taken and passed. Certification period is three years. Expires the December ending the three year certification period. Exam WATER CONSERVATION Certification
On-Going Education | CEUs: CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS (CEUs) 1 hour of education = 0.1 CEU Certification requires 1.8 CEUs in a three year period to renew. If you attend one 6 hour (One day training) once a year during your three year certification period, You meet the requirements to renew your certification WATER CONSERVATION Certification
On-Going Education | CEUs: | Renew CEUs MUST BE Water Conservation Related CEUs begin the January after passing your exam. CEUs may be obtained through the following: RWAU Water Conservation related trainings Utah DWR Conservation related Forums and /or trainings Other Utah Water Conservation associated trainings (will require a CEU attendance form to fill out) WATER CONSERVATION Certification
Creating a Culture of Conservation! We would like to invite all of you to come learn from our Utah water experts how to create a culture of conservation. The goal is to apply it to both the demand and supply side and demonstrate to your peers and management that you are knowledgeable on these topics by completing the course and passing the certification exam! You Can Register www.rwau.net WATER CONSERVATION Certification
Contact Info: Dale Pierson Executive Director Rural Water Association of Utah www.rwau.net | dpierson@rwau.net | 801-756-5123 Kcris Hunter Certification Trainer Rural Water Association of Utah www.rwau.net | kchunter@rwau.net | 801-756-5123 WATER CONSERVATION Certification