The Human Cost of Disability When employees fall through the cracks
Example 1 Piece of welding slag fell into workers ear while at work Burned a hole through the eardrum Physical injuries healed relatively quickly Ongoing complaints of dizziness & vertigo No objective findings, WCB claim closed
Example 1 Worker still reports unable to drive/work STD carrier denies claim – work related Worker without income, unable to work Employer and Employee both unsatisfied, what now? Key Issue Both systems had no flexibility to help claimants with anything outside the norm Both systems needs proof – neither would help obtain it
Example 2 Senior executive Injured playing sports on personal time Kept attempting to work – severe headaches Employee’s doctor said she was fine, just rest No STD plan; no medical supporting disability
Example 2 Employer convinces employee she needs to seek additional medical help – where? Key Issue Employee would need to apply for EI – would not receive any medical assistance there Medical system was unable to provide next steps
The CompCall Advantage Standard insurance plans can typically take care of standard disability issues CompCall works with employers who want to go this extra mile for their employees Our challenge to you – find the client(s) in your portfolio that operate the same way