Full Time Duty Under Instruction (DUINS) Cynthia Hutchinson LCDR, NC, USN BSN, RNC, C-EFM
My Career: Snapshot 1992-1996 Marquette University NROTC 1996-2000 Naval Hospital Jacksonville, FL 2000-2002 U.S. Naval Hospital Guam 2002-2003 Naval Hospital Jacksonville, FL NROTC
My Career: Snapshot 2003-2005 [Break in Service] 2005-2008 U.S. Naval Hospital Guam 2008-2011 Naval Branch Health Clinic Fallon,NV 2011-2012 DUINS CSUDH
DUINS – What’s that? Full Time Duty Under Instruction Your opportunity to complete a graduate degree or post graduate degree in a specialty area Funded by the Navy (NMMPT&E) All tuition and fees paid in full You receive full pay and allowances Payback 3 years for the first 12 months of school 6 months for every additional 6 months of school
DUINS: Goals Gives NC Officers necessary preparation to meet critical advanced education needs, thereby enabling the Nurse Corps to fulfill its mission Benefits the Navy and the individual by: Ensuring higher levels of professional knowledge. Giving incentives for recruitment and retention of personnel with ability, dedication, and capacity for growth. Recognizing educational aspirations of individuals through advanced degree and certification programs.
DUINS: Numbers Annual Selections Program Length Between 70-80 Dependent on billet availability 150 (max) students in DUINS at any one time Program Length 3 regular semesters, 1 summer session Must complete program in the minimum amount of time possible
DUINS: Selection Academics Career Experience Recommendation Letters Undergrad GPA 3.0 or higher GRE 1000 or better 1-2 Graduate Level courses (get a 4.0) Career Experience Minimum 2 yrs as a Nurse Corps Officer Recommendation Letters Your Commanding Officer Your Specialty Leader 3 other letters (from O4 or higher)
DUINS: Recommendations Overseas Tour Fitness Reports Above Reporting Senior Average Movement to the right Break out! Certifications CEN, RNC, CNOR ACLS, TNCC, ALSO, PALS
DUINS: Recommendations Command Involvement Collateral duties Volunteer opportunities Ward Room OSR/PSR up to date! Detailer Communicate early and often
DUINS: Areas of Study Manpower Analysis Education & Training Health Care Management Med-Surg Nursing Maternal-Infant Nursing Pediatric Nursing Mental Health NP – Family, Mental Health, Pediatric Community Health Joint Commission Fellowship ER/Trauma Nursing Perioperative Nursing Critical Care CRNA Certified Nurse Midwife PhD, DNP
DUINS: Universities Catholic University SDSU University of San Diego George Mason University Rush University Duke University University of VA University of Pennsylvania Villanova University Johns Hopkins University Hampton University Penn State University University of Florida University of Maryland University of Kentucky UC San Francisco UNC Loma Linda University University of Washington University of Colorado University of Texas University of Kentucky Georgetown University Marquette University Old Dominion University UCLA USUHS Texas A&M UMASS University of Hawaii
DUINS: Which School? Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS) FNP, MH NP, CRNA, Periop – MUST apply Current Duty Station OCONUS Europe Apply to East Coast Schools Current Duty Station OCONUS Pacific/Far East Apply to West Coast Schools Current Duty Station Stateside Apply to schools that are near you, or are near possible follow-on duty stations
DUINS: Application Think ahead! Begin planning 18 months before the application deadline Communicate with Detailer & NC Programs (NMMPT&E) Letter of Intent BUMED Instruction 1520.27F Follow this to the letter!
DUINS: Application Letters of Acceptance from Educational Institutions BUMED Instruction 1520.27F Follow this to the letter! Letters of Acceptance from Educational Institutions Proposed Curriculum Plan for each Program Semi-Annual PFA Report
DUINS: Application Transcripts GRE General Test Report Letters of Recommendation Personal Statement (250 words max) How will the Navy benefit from sending you to school Proofread – again, again, and again!
DUINS: Your Obligations Check in with sponsoring command/NROTC/PSD Communicate with NMMPT&E Register for classes, buy textbooks, school supplies, parking pass Maintain a 3.0 GPA Maintain height/weight standards BCA/PFA completed 2x year
DUINS: Your Obligations Submit cost quotes to NMMPT&E each semester Submit transcripts to NMMPT&E at the end of each semester Leave Chit – submit to sponsoring command (if leaving the area) NO Moonlighting – your one and only job is SCHOOL TAD only if required for school Study, study, study…but have fun!
DUINS: Pros Great education No student loans You get paid your full salary Maintain time in service/rank Looks great at promotion boards Flexible Scheduling Networking Opportunities School holidays are your days off
DUINS: Cons Commitment after graduation Easy to get lazy! Easy to spend money Time away from the Navy Change in pace from normal work schedule Not allowed to “work” Can be lonely
DUINS: Always be prepared! Find a mentor! Break out! Pass ALL BCAs and PFAs Take a Master’s Level class
DUINS: Resources Navy Knowledge Online: Your mentor! https://wwwa.nko.navy.mil/portal/home/ Nurse Corps Home page - BUMED INST 1520.27F Your mentor! NC Programs NMMPT&E Kenneth Page (301) 295-5773 kenneth.page@med.navy.mil Detailer and/or Specialty Leader
~Florence Nightingale Questions?? LCDR Cyndy Hutchinson wiskeygirl3@hotmail.com 775-848-9838 cynthia.hutchinson@med.navy.mil (After 01 Jan 2013) “I think one’s feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results.” ~Florence Nightingale