Worship!!! Tech: After worship, cue title slide


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Presentation transcript:

Worship!!! Tech: After worship, cue title slide

Hello everybody and welcome to another incredible week of “Freeze Frame!” During “Freeze Frame,” we’ve been learning all about the miracles of Jesus and discovering what it’s like to have the power of Jesus in your life.

Hey, speaking of power—does anyone want to see a cool power that I have? (Kids respond.) Would you believe that with one small command, I can raise things into the air without touching them? (Kids respond with disbelief.) Oh, you don’t think so? Well then—prepare to be AMAZED!

(Hold ping pong ball in the palm of your hand (Hold ping pong ball in the palm of your hand.) This is a simple ping pong ball. (Run hand around it.) There are no strings attached to it. I do not know this ping pong ball. In fact, we’ve never met. Let me prove it to you. Speak to ping pong ball: Ping pong ball—have we ever met? If no, then don’t say a word. Pause

See—I told you so. Now, with just one small command, I will raise this ping pong ball up. Are you ready to be amazed? (Kids respond.) I’m going to need more enthusiasm than that. Let’s try again! (Repeat with more enthusiasm.) Are you ready to be amazed? (Kids repeat with more enthusiasm.)

Then with no further ado—(speak to ball) ping pong ball, I say to you, get up! Gesture with your free hand like you’re trying to use the force. Nothing happens. Hmm—maybe it didn’t hear me. Let me say it more loudly this time.

(Speak more loudly. ) Ping pong ball, I say to you, get up (Speak more loudly.) Ping pong ball, I say to you, get up! Gesture more intensely. Nothing happens. That’s weird—I know it heard me that time. Maybe we all need to say it. On the count of 3, shout the command with me.

Say with kids. ) 1, 2, 3…Ping pong ball, I say to you, get up Say with kids.) 1, 2, 3…Ping pong ball, I say to you, get up! Gesture even more intensely. Nothing happens. Collapse from exhaustion into a sitting position. I guess you were right—there’s no way I can raise that ping ball up with just one command.  

But do you know who can. Jesus. In fact, He did But do you know who can? Jesus! In fact, He did. Except when Jesus did it, it wasn’t just a ping pong ball, it was a girl. And she wasn’t just lying in my hand, she was dead! Sounds pretty awesome—right? It is! Let’s check it out for ourselves.

Tech: Cue “Big Bible Story” graphic Choose a kid to join you in the teaching area and put the box over their head, face toward the window. Last week we heard how Jesus healed a man who had some evil spirits inside of him. After Jesus healed the man, He sailed with His disciples to the other side of the sea.

When He got there, a man named Jairus (pronounced “J-eye-russ”) fell at His feet. (Quietly tell the helper to make a very sad face. Prompt the kids to say, “3, 2, 1…Freeze Frame, then lift the cover to reveal the helper’s face.) Jairus had tears in his eyes. He said, “My little daughter is dying. Please come and heal her.”

So Jesus went with him. Put the cover back down So Jesus went with him. Put the cover back down. As Jesus was walking to Jairus’ house, a huge crowd of people followed Him. One of the people was a woman who had been sick and suffering for 12 years. She had spent every last penny on doctors, but no one could make her better.

When she saw Jesus, she thought, “Maybe if I just touch His clothes I’ll be healed.” So that’s what she did. And immediately her sickness and suffering went away. (Quietly tell the helper to make a puzzled or confused face. Prompt the kids to say, “3, 2, 1…Freeze Frame, then lift the cover to reveal the helper’s face.)

When the woman touched Jesus’ clothes, Jesus could feel that power had gone out of Him, so He turned around and asked, “Who touched my clothes?” (Put the cover back down.) Jesus’ disciples couldn’t figure out why He was asking that. The crowd was pressed all around Him. LOTS of people had touched His clothes.

Still, Jesus kept looking to see who had done it Still, Jesus kept looking to see who had done it. (Quietly tell the helper to make a scared face. Prompt the kids to say, “3, 2, 1…Freeze Frame, then lift the cover to reveal the helper’s face.)

The woman knew that Jesus was looking for her The woman knew that Jesus was looking for her. She shook with fear, but told Jesus the whole truth. When He heard what had happened, Jesus said, “Your faith has healed you. You are now free from your suffering.” (Put the cover back down.)

Just then, some people came from Jairus’ house and said, “Jairus, your daughter is dead!” Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid, Jairus; just have faith.” When they got to Jairus’ house, Jesus could hear all of the people wailing and crying inside. So He went in and said, “Why are you so sad? She isn’t dead, just sleeping.”

Quietly tell the helper to make a face like they’re laughing hard Quietly tell the helper to make a face like they’re laughing hard. Prompt the kids to say, “3, 2, 1…Freeze Frame, then lift the cover to reveal the helper’s face. When the people heard what Jesus said, they laughed at Him because they thought He was nuts! (Put the cover back down.)

That didn’t stop Jesus, though That didn’t stop Jesus, though. He took the girl by the hand and said to her, “Little girl, I say to you, get up!” Immediately, the girl came to life again. She stood up and began walking around like she had just gotten up from a nap.

(Quietly tell the helper to make a shocked face (Quietly tell the helper to make a shocked face. Prompt the kids to say, “3, 2, 1…Freeze Frame, then lift the cover to reveal the helper’s face.) When everyone saw what Jesus did, they were shocked! They had never seen anything like it. Because of Jairus’ faith in Jesus, his daughter was alive again. Thank helper and dismiss

Tech: Cue Title Slide Hold ping pong ball from earlier in the palm of your hand.) In our story for today, Jesus didn’t just raise up an itty bitty ping pong ball. He raised up a girl from the dead. When Jesus got to the house, she was just lying there, completely still, no life in her—just like this ping pong ball.

But that was no big thing for Jesus But that was no big thing for Jesus. To Him, it was like she was just taking a nap. (With other hand, hold up a hair dryer so that it’s pointing upward and set the ball on top.) He took the little girl by the hand and said, “Little girl, I say to you, get up!” (Turn on hair dryer. The ball will rise up and float in the air.)

And just like that, the little girl rose from the dead And just like that, the little girl rose from the dead. She stood up and began to walk around! And if you think a floating ping pong ball is amazing, imagine how the people in Jairus’ house felt—they had just watched Jesus bring a dead girl back to life! (Turn off hair dryer and set props down.)

That’s not the only time that Jesus raised someone from the dead That’s not the only time that Jesus raised someone from the dead. He raised 2 other people from the dead, too. Jesus even raised Himself from the dead! And there were a bunch of times that He healed people from sickness! Jesus can do that because He has power over sickness and death.

When we are sick or when someone we know is sick, Jesus wants us to come to Him just like the sick woman and Jairus did in today’s true Bible story. He wants us to pray and to have faith that He can heal us.

Consider sharing a personal story about a time that you or someone you know was prayed for and received healing from a sickness or injury. Do you think that means that Jesus will heal everybody from their sickness? (Kids respond.) Maybe not right away, but eventually!

Sometimes people pray to be healed, but they stay sick Sometimes people pray to be healed, but they stay sick. That doesn’t mean that Jesus won’t ever heal them. It might be later in life that Jesus heals them. It might even be after their life, in Heaven, that Jesus heals them.

That’s what our Bible verse for today talks about. Let’s take a look That’s what our Bible verse for today talks about. Let’s take a look. Tech: Cue Verse Slide Read verse once, then read together. “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death. And there will be no more sadness. There will be no more crying or pain.” -Revelation 21:4a

Tech: Cue Title Slide If you have faith in Jesus and follow Him, when you die, He will raise you back to life in Heaven. In Heaven, Jesus will wipe away ALL of our tears. He will take away ALL of our sadness. He will heal you from ALL of your sickness.

So if you are sick or if someone you know is sick, pray to Jesus with BIG faith and ask Him for healing. But if you or the person who is sick doesn’t get better right away, don’t be discouraged. Jesus hears your prayer and He will bring total healing in this life or in Heaven!

Close in prayer. After prayer, invite kids to come take a GO Close in prayer. After prayer, invite kids to come take a GO! Home Guide sheet and head to their small group tables. Tech: Cue Title Slide After a few minutes, dismiss small groups downstairs.