Field Experiments 2014 FIGARO: Partner 2 Department of AGROECOLOGY Aarhus University
Irrigation in Denmark 400.000 hectares – 20% of agr.area Mainly sandy soils western part of DK Mainly travelling rainguns Simple Decision Support online System for farmers based on our field experimental data (water balance and yield)
3 Clay Silt Fine sand Coarse sand
Expectations to FIGARO: Drip in Potato: Platform will be developed that makes drip economical feasible. Includes fertigation which result in lower N and water use and higher quality and yield of potatoes.
4 replicates of each treatment – randomized design Large plots Experiment 1 Irrigation system Irrigation Criteria frequency Fertilization Dressing time Gun Irrigation Figaro Daisy 25mm Whenever water deficit equals 25mm 120 kg N ha-1 30 kg P ha−1 180 kg K ha−1 Planting Drip Fertigation 3. Daisy 90% θf –SWCt Every two days 30% of calculated N demand 70% of calculated N demand When critical N level is reached based on Daisy and applied in 20 kg N ha-1 portions 4 replicates of each treatment – randomized design Large plots
Experiment 1
Based on TDR-measurements: Replenish previous two days water deficit with upper threshold 0.9*FC Based on TDR-measurements: 80 % of I1 at the tuber initiation stage and 60% of I1 from tuber bulking Experiment 2: Two factors are implemented in this experiment, irrigation amount and nitrogen regime: Irrigation guided with Aquacrop model Irrigation guided with Daisy model 42 kg N at planting. Afterwards Daisy to guide N 42 kg N at planting. Afterwards Daisy to guide N
TDR Measuring Soil water content
Experiment 2 2013
Experiment 2 N-uptake
Experiment 2
Experiment 2
Experiment 2
MobilLas Measuring N-requirement
Measurements WP3 – WP4 – WP8 –WP9 Sap flow Gas ex-change Soil water: aut.TDR/tensiometers Plant water potential Light absorption
Influence of irrigation on potato quality Irrigation at low soil-water deficit (18 mm JB1/24 mm JB2) caused: Tuber initiation stage: More tubers More middle-sized tubers Large reduction of scab on JB1 Better skin quality Better cooking quality Tuber bulking stage: Less dark-coloration during cooking Slightly inferior skin quality Inferior chips quality Higher yield Jørgensen (1984)