Overview of Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Gema Sieh Highland Rim School gsieh@lcdoe.org
Innatism Work of Noam Chomsky Language is a natural biological process Language Acquisition Device (LAD) Humans have the innate capacity for language Universal Grammar A set of unconscious rules that govern a language Regardless of language, the ability to identify correctly formed sentences is universal and independent of meaning UG the catalyst in language learning
LAD may place constraints on second language acquisition May be why young learner have more difficulty learning a second language
Interactionist Places emphasis on learner interaction and the social aspects of language learning Research shows that feedback given to second language learners (error corrections) assisted in promoting language acquisition
Learning involves interactions between learners, teachers, and peers Interactons are essential and vital to second language learning. They become a source of input (Lantolf, 2000)
Age Factor in second language acquisition Children are more likely to attain native-like proficiency in a second language than are teenagers or adults (Gass and Selinker, 2008) Children acquire phonology more easily Adults can learn parts of a second language quicker such as morphology and syntax There are sensitive periods when language learning is more successful
Contextual Factors That Affect Second Language Acquisition Language distance – This refers to the differences or similarities between L1 and L2. English and Spanish are much closer than English and Chinese Native language proficiency – According to Walqui (2000) “The more academically sophisticated the students’ native language knowledge and abilities, the easier it will be for that student to learn a second language.” Knowledge of the second language – A student’s prior knowledge of L2 affects learning. Dialect and register – This refers to speech patterns that may differ from those the student is familiar with as part of a social group. Language attitudes – Attitudes of the learner, peer group, neighborhood and society can have both positive and negative effects. This becomes an issue when the learning of L2 may be perceived as having to give up L1 especially as it relates to culture.
Learner Diverse needs – Because of the diversity in our classrooms, the needs of individual students can be very different. Differentiation of instruction is inevitable. Diverse goals – This can range from becoming completely proficient in L2 and eventually go to college to just being able to function with basic communication skills. Peer groups – Peer pressure can undermine the intensions of parents or teachers. Home support – It is important for parents to show support for the student’s progress.
Learning process Learning styles –Students can be visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learners. Motivation – Are students intrinsically motivated, because of pleasure or value, or extrinsically motivated, because of some reward? Classroom interaction – Language learning occurs as the outcome of interactions and communication with others in the target language.
Tips for teachers Activate prior knowledge before a lesson Use concrete examples, (pictures, videos, items) when teaching vocabulary Because ESL’s decode doesn’t mean they can understand. Academic vocabulary comes much later than social vocabulary Their culture may explain their behavior Graphic organizers make content area easier to understand
Best Approach for ESL’s at HRS Interactionist Approach Cooperative learning Authentic discourse Games used for learning languge Discussion Interactions with teachers and peers highly important
My Personal Approach Interactionist Socialization important Build on background knowledge Questions, questions, questions Cooperative learning benefits ESL students Scaffolding vocabulary in all subjects
Helpful References 55 inservice ideas and strategies for teachers of ESL students http://www.everythingesl.net/inservices/ Information, activties, and advice for educators of Spanish-speaking families http://www.colorincolorado.org/ Glossary of Primary and Second Language Acquisition Terms http://earthrenewal.org/secondlang.htm Activities for ESL students http://a4esl.org/
References Askildon, L. R. (n.d.). Second Language Acquisition Theory. Retrieved from Center for English as a Second Language http://www.cesl.arizona.edu/docsTEFL/TEFLsampleSLAtheorywk1.pdf Gass, S. M. & Selinker, L. (2008). Second language acquisition: An introductory course. New York, NY: Routledge. Walqui, A. (2002). Contextual factors in second language acquisition (EDO-FL-00-05). Retrieved from Center for Applied Linguistics website: http://www.cal.org/resources/digest/0005contextual.html