Stars Luminous gaseous celestial body – spherical in shape held by its own gravity
How do we study stars? Light!!
Stellar Radiation H fusion occurs in star’s interior converting mass to E (mass deficit). T must be ~ 107 K, for nuclei to overcome Coulomb force & fuse. Interior of the star is so hot it is plasma.
BE of He higher than BE 4H. He - 4. H isotopes.
Excess E is carried away by g photons & neutrinos n Excess E is carried away by g photons & neutrinos n. Some E gets absorbed in star heats interior more & exerts outward pressure.
Stellar Equilibrium- outward P from radiation balances gravity inward in stable stars.
Stable Stars maintain size. The sun is stable
Ex 1. The sun is losing mass at 4. 26 x 109 kg/s Ex 1. The sun is losing mass at 4.26 x 109 kg/s. At what rate does the sun emit energy? Assuming the mass is converted to E. E = mc2. (4.26 x 109 kg/s)(3 x 108m/s)2. 3.83 x 10 26 J each second.
Luminosity (L) = total power output of a star W or J/s. Star Power Luminosity (L) = total power output of a star W or J/s. As we just calculated the sun converts mass to Energy Sun L = 3.9 x 1026 W.
Luminosity (W) depends on: Surface Area Temperature Which equation relates power to A & T?
Stars are regarded as black bodies L = sAT4. L = s4pr2T4. L – Watts J/s. L = Power A surface A m2 T Kelvin s = 5.67 x 10-8W/ m2 K4.
Apparent Brightness (b): how bright stars appear Apparent Brightness (b): how bright stars appear. What we see from Earth depends on L & distance from Earth
Apparent brightness radiation from star that is incident on the Earth per m2. It’s like Intensity
Calculation of Apparent Brightness (b): L = luminosity in W d = distance to Earth m b = apparent brightness W/m2. Intensity
Ex 2: The apparent brightness of a star is 6. 4 x 108 W/m2 Ex 2: The apparent brightness of a star is 6.4 x 108 W/m2. If its distance to Earth is 50 LY, find its luminosity.
b4pd2 = L (6.4 x 108 W/m2) (4p)(4.73 x 1017 m)2. 1.8 x 10 45 W d = (9.46 x 10 15 m/LY)(50 LY) = 4.73 x 1017 m b4pd2 = L (6.4 x 108 W/m2) (4p)(4.73 x 1017 m)2. 1.8 x 10 45 W
Finding Star Temperature Remember Black Bodies?
Wein’s Displacement Law relates peak l & surface temp for black body. T in Kelvin l in meters Star’s spectra similar to black body.
as T inc. Tot intensity increase for all l. Peak changes to shorter l higher f.
Ex 3: A star has a surface temp of 17 000 K and L = 6. 1 x 10 29 W. a Ex 3: A star has a surface temp of 17 000 K and L = 6.1 x 10 29 W. a. What is the peak l? b. Find its radius.
Use Stephen Boltzmann to find R.
Solar Spectrum Some radiation l absorbed by outer layers. Can identify elements in outer layers. If H is present, H will absorb l = to dif between Bohr orbit levels. Form black lines.
Absorption of l
Motion & Speed of Stars Doppler Effect/Red or Blue shift gives info. Absorption lines shift toward longer or shorter l, depending on motion.
Red Shift Spectrum – stars moving away from us show dark line shift. Find v, direction by shift of line spectra.
Blue Shift – moving toward us Amount of Shift relates to speed of motion
List 3 observations we can make using light to get information about stars. State what we can learn from each type of observation.
Use Spectrum to find: Chemical composition surface (absorption spectrum) Motion toward or away from Earth Red/blue shift Surface temp Peak l (color)
Ex 4: Our sun has T = 6000 K and L = 3. 9 x 1026 W Ex 4: Our sun has T = 6000 K and L = 3.9 x 1026 W. If star Z has T = 4000 K, &L = 5.2 x 10 28 W, would it be: larger or smaller to our sun? Calculate its radius in terms of our sun’s radius. Larger 26 x Rsun.
Early Star Classification Spectral Class Color Temperature Composition.
Stellar spectra From 4:48
Star Classification
Spectral Classes. Stars characterized by temperature, absorption lines & color. Old Classification O – M.
Oh be a fine girl – kiss me. Then subdivided in 10 smaller groups 0-9. OBAFGKM Oh be a fine girl – kiss me. Then subdivided in 10 smaller groups 0-9. Sun – G2.
H-R diagram graphs temp against luminosity – Not Linear Be able to identify general regions of star types on the H-R diagram 90% Stars on Main sequence.
H-R Diagram Cool, Super-Large Cool, Large Small, Hot MS High Mass Fast Burners Cool, Large Small, Hot MS Low Mass Long Lives HR Diagram start at 1:24
Black body radiation 12 min