Welcome Kinderbee Parents to Meet The Teacher Night
Kindergarten Handbook Kristin Scott Gordon Creek 884-7270 x3472 kscott@bscsd.org Welcome to the new school year! I want your child to have a fun and successful year in Kindergarten. Above I have listed the school phone number as well as my room extension. Please feel free to contact me if there are situations that need to be discussed. The best times to reach me at school are from 8:30am- 9:00am and 3:30pm- 4:00pm. I am always willing to schedule a conference at any time!
School Hours: School begins promptly at 9:05 am and ends at Attendance: A successful school experience is the responsibility of the children, the parent, and the school. Your child’s progress, both academically and socially, is influenced to a great extent by daily participation. Regular attendance without tardiness is a key. Transportation: If you plan to pick up your child that normally rides the bus or you wish for your child to ride a different bus than usual, you must send a written note or contact the office at 884-7270 x3371. Do not rely on your child to tell us this information, because children often become confused and relay information incorrectly. If no written note or phone call is received, your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation.
Curriculum: Our Kindergarten Day includes the following subject areas: School Work: Please look in your child’s backpack each day. I send all school news by way of your child in your child’s TAKE HOME FOLDER. These folders will come home daily and are to be sent back each day. Please send all notes, money and other important things you want me to find to school in your child’s folder. Curriculum: Our Kindergarten Day includes the following subject areas: *Language Arts *Math *Social Studies *Science *PE *Art *Music *Technology
*Oral Language Practice through songs, poems, and stories Language Arts: *Oral Language Practice through songs, poems, and stories *Reading Literature (Fiction & Non-Fiction) *High-Frequency Words *Comprehension *Writing Phonemic Awareness *Listening *Speaking *Vocabulary
Counting and Cardinality (write, compare, identify & count) Math: Math is taught using The Go Math program and NYS Math Modules. The students will be introduced to a variety of mathematical skills using various hands on activities, cooperative learning activities, and group and oral exercises. Counting and Cardinality (write, compare, identify & count) Operations & Algebraic Thinking(+ and -) Number & Operations in Base Ten Measurement & Data Geometry (2 & 3-D shapes)
Social Studies: Students will learn how they relate to others in their families, classroom, school and community. Activities will help the children focus their natural curiosity for the world around them. Science: Throughout the year we will discuss Weather, life cycles, Astronomy, Pushes & Pulls and other topics.
Lunch: The cost of breakfast is $1.45 & lunch is $2.40. Milk is $.50. Each child has a student ID# that is typed in when purchasing lunch. You may send in a check so that your child doesn’t need to bring money on a daily basis. If your child doesn’t have money, they will be provided lunch and a statement will be sent to you from the cafeteria staff. For further information you may contact Linda Davis. Your child may also bring his/her lunch each day. Please label lunch boxes or sacks with your child’s name. If you need a free and reduced lunch program application please see Vicki Hartman in the main office. Snacks: We will have a small snack each day. Please be sure to view the snack calendar for your date to donate. If your child is absent on their sharing day, please send in a snack upon their return. I will provide snack on the day they are absent and then their snack will be used as back up.
Rest Time: Our class will rest for about 15 minutes each day after lunch. Your child is not required to go to sleep, but must rest and relax quietly during this time. Rest time will be decreased gradually throughout the year as needed. Please send a beach towel or small blanket to school for your child to rest on. I will send the towel or blanket home on occasion to be washed.
Supplies: Most of the supplies we use in kindergarten are community supplies. We can never have enough tissues, zip lock bags of all sizes, paper plates, play-doh, and brown lunch sacks. We also could use old magazines that are kid appropriate (Family Circle, Good Housekeeping, anything with good picture of kids, families, food, etc.), coloring books etc. Please feel free to send these items in with your child throughout the year.
Birthdays and Treats: Birthdays are wonderful Birthdays and Treats: Birthdays are wonderful! Simple treats may be sent to school, or brought by you on your child’s birthday as long as it follows our Healthy School Initiative. Sending a birthday treat is optional. Birthday treats are appreciated, but certainly not expected. If your child’s birthday falls in June, July or August when school is not in session we will have a Summer Birthday Celebration Day of these children during the last week of the school year. You are more than welcome to bring in treats for your child’s summer birthday if you’d like. I will do my best to have your child’s snack time coincide with your child’s birthday.
Book Orders: Your child will have the opportunity to order books for your home library each month. The book orders are from Scholastic Books and will be sent home each month. You may also order books online by following the link on my teacher page. http://www.bscsd.org/webpages/kscott/
Behavior and Discipline: I believe in having high expectations of the children to follow classroom rules and to help them understand the reasons behind rules. I want all of the children to have the opportunity to learn and for no student to keep another student from being able to learn. I strive to provide a safe and comfortable learning environment for the children in which we work and live as a team and family in our classroom. Our classroom uses a Bee system to help children visually stay on track in the classroom. Each child has a bee card and begins the day with his/her bee on green. If a child has difficulty following rules or directions the bee moves to yellow and I will have a conference with your child about the behavior. If a child continues to have difficulty and moves red a phone call will be made home and they will not receive a sticker in their Take Home Folder that day. All bees return to green the following day. It is important to me that we keep our lines of communication open and work together to meet the needs of your child. Scottie bucks will be rewarded throughout the day as well by being safe, respectful & responsible. These will then be saved to redeem at our school Scottie Cart which occurs twice a month. Coupons or little trinkets are available for purchase with their Scottie bucks.
Room Needs: I welcome room helpers for assisting in special projects, help with bulletin boards, cutting out materials, computer lab, centers etc. Please be aware that some of the work may be done outside of the classroom or if in the classroom you may not be working with your child. If in the classroom I ask that you do not have your child or another child sit on your lap. Tell them that they can have their special time at home later that night with you or their families, but that now you are Mrs. Scott’s helper and need to help all the children. I can also use parent volunteers for classroom parties, field trips, etc. Please fill out the volunteer forms if you are interested in helping out this year and I will be in touch with you soon!
Again, please contact me if you have any questions Again, please contact me if you have any questions. I am excited to be your child’s teacher and I want us ALL to have a wonderful year!