English for social workers I session 1, 5 oct 2017 Miljen Matijašević E-mail: miljen.matijasevic@gmail.com Office: G10, room 6 (1st floor) Tue, 11:30-12:30
Today’s session Introduction to the Course Language and Law
Introduction to the course
Course syllabus Part I: English for Lawyers EFL topics relating to law Part II: English for Social Workers EFSW topics relating to social work
English for Social Work I-III YEAR ONE general topics about law and legal language, separation of powers, legislative bodies education, employment, social policy, demographics YEAR TWO family law, criminal law, European Court of Human Rights social work, disabled people, older people, children welfare YEAR THREE (optional course) English for academic purposes (academic writing)
English for Social Workers I Thursdays 8:30 – 11:30 (A-K) 11:30 – 14:30 (L-Ž) Sočanac, L., Matijašević, M., Javornik Čubrić, M., Husinec, S., Horvatić Bilić, I., English for the Legal Profession, Narodne novine, 2017. Javornik Čubrić M., Vićan D. (2005.), English for Social Workers, Zagreb: Pravni fakultet, 2005. Units 1-4 (Education, Employment, Social Policy, Demographics) Course website http://www.pravo.unizg.hr/SJ/predmet/ejss1 notice board teaching materials – Miljen Matijašević
Course syllabus, part 1 English for the Legal Profession DATE CONTENT 1 5 Oct 2017 Introduction to the Course Language and Law 2 12 Oct 2017 About Law 3 19 Oct 2017 Branches of Law 4 26 Oct 2017 State Governance and Administration of Justice 5 2 Nov 2017 Parliament and Legislation 6 9 Nov 2017 Revision 7 23 Nov 2017 Mid-term test
Course syllabus, part 2 English for Social Workers DATE CONTENT 8 30 Nov 2017 Education 9 7 Dec 2017 Social Policy 10 14 Dec 2017 Employment 11 21 Dec 2017 Demographics 12 11 Jan 2018 Revision 13 18 Jan 2018 End-of-term test 14 25 Jan 2018 Signatures and Tutorials
Attendance Optional, but regular attendance (missing no more than 3 sessions!) has its benefits Taking the mid-term and end-of-term tests Opportunity to do a presentation
Mid-term and End-of term exams (kolokviji) 23 November, 18 January Only available with regular attendance (missing no more than 3 sessions) Za upis ocjene u indeks i ISVU potrebno prijaviti ispit na redovnom roku i doći na upis ocjene TIJEKOM redovnog roka (u dogovoreno vrijeme)
The final examination TEST: Mastering relevant vocabulary ORAL EXAM: Being able to talk about the topics covered in the syllabus, using relevant terms
Recommended dictionaries GENERAL ENGLISH: Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary LEGAL ENGLISH: Gačić, M. Englesko-hrvatski rječnik prava i međunarodnih poslovnih odnosa. Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2010 ONLINE: legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com www.legal-dictionary.org dictionary.law.com Otherwise: Black’s Law Dictionary, West Group
SUMMARY Attendance optional but with benefits Collect the signature in time!! Whenever in doubt talk to ME! You are not responsible to me but to YOURSELF!
Optional student assignment carrying out research and doing a presentation research tasks at the end of each unit in the coursebook (ELP) additional topics may be chosen
Presentations duration: approx. 15 minutes 2-3 students prepare each presentation as a joint project
Presentations REWARD for participating in a successful presentation: you can SKIP the oral examination HOWEVER... you still have to take the written test you MUST attend the classes regularly
Presentations Before giving the presentation, students MUST: consult the lecturer about the topic consult the lecturer about the sources show the entire PP presentation, as well as the outline and notes at least two weeks before giving the presentation consult the lecturer about the pronunciation of difficult words
Presentations RESOURCES Department library (come and talk to me) Tempus reading room TMT 3, weekdays 10-14 online resources
Hints for a successful presentation DOs: involve the audience study your sources and compile the most interesting bits of information into your presentation make eye contact with your audience address your audience and use plain English include questions and discussion questions
Hints for a successful presentation DON’Ts: copy from source word for word read from a piece of paper – it’s BORING!!! include full, complex sentences on your slides use language you don’t understand suffocate the presentation with images and animations (especially if you do not make use of them!)
Language and Law Unit 1
Language and Law What do you think the following concepts mean? language for specific purposes (LSP) legal language Think of them in terms of Croatian!
Language and Law Read and discuss questions in exercise I with a partner Read the questions in exercise II and briefly try to predict answers
Language and Law Read the first paragraph and answer questions 1 and 2 from exercise II Think of professions that have a need for LSP training. What kind of specialist language do they need to master? How does LSP differ from general language? Think of all possible features.
Language and Law Scan the first paragraph on p. 9 to find out how legal language differs from other LSPs it is very old its use affects everybody, not only used by specialists can absorb terms from other specialist areas
Explain the following terms legal imperative to impose an obligation prohibition procedural requirement binding substantive provisions legislation treaty permission authorization exception to a general permisison
Explain the following terms legal imperative – zakonom propisana zapovijed, odredba to impose an obligation – propisati (nametnuti) obvezu prohibition - zabrana procedural requirement – postupovni (formalni) zahtjev binding - obvezujući substantive provisions – materijalne odredbe legislation – zakonodavstvo, propis treaty – međunarodni ugovor permission - dopuštenje authorization – ovlaštenje, odobrenje, dopuštenje exception to a general permisison – izuzeće od općeg dopuštenja
Language and Law Do exercises III. and IV. (pp. 5-6)
Thank you for your attention!