Elevator pitch – Add title Who are you? Robotics end-user, robotics component manufacturer, system integrator, research, etc. Overview of what kinds of applications you’re doing with collaborative robots (images / videos helpful) E.g. palletizing, machine tending, collaborative assembly, mobile manipulation, safety sensor development What are you largest challenges right now with collaborative robots? As specific as possible… Which standards to use? How to validate a finished system? Your Logo here March 14th, 2018 European Robotics Forum 2018, Tampere, Finland
Background information for elevator pitches Elevator pitch has 2 functions: Tell COVR consortium what your biggest problems are, so we can focus on solving them in the project Matchmaking – Share your challenges, meet potential partners for a COVR FSTP project Administrative infos: Keep pitch between 2-5 minutes! Stay between 1-3 slides Be as specific as possible! Register with COVR Coordinator to reserve a spot and submit your slides http://covrproject.eu/ (Use the link “Contact”) March 14th, 2018 European Robotics Forum 2018, Tampere, Finland