29. ADVENTURE “Adventure stories are tales of danger, risk, and excitement.” Adventure genre are fiction stories with an exciting undertaking involving risk and physical danger.
Adventure stories are important because they speak to a human’s need for excitement and danger.
Most people have very usual and predictable lives Most people have very usual and predictable lives. Adventure stories allow them to dream of faraway places and impossible experiences. There are many examples such as: Pirates of the Caribbean:
The children’s adventure story: UP!
Animals even have adventures like in the story: Madagascar!.
Some adventure stories are serial Some adventure stories are serial. This means they continue from one book to the next. An example is Indiana Jones
Some classic examples of adventure literature are Robert Louis Stevenson’s Kidnapped
And the wild characters in Treasure Island
Are you an adventure seeker? What is something adventurous you have done? What is something you want to try but are afraid? BRAINSTORM
Writing #29: What is an adventure story and why do people need them? (Define) Adventure stories are________________________ ________________________________________________. (Explain) Adventure stories are important because ____ _________________________________________________. (Example) There are many examples of adventure stories such as _________________, __________________, and ________________________. (Describe) The reason I like adventure stories is because ______________ One adventure I want to try is _________________________ because _________________________________________ .