Horror & Mystery / Thriller
Mystery / Thriller Photo titled: “The Mystery Man at the Park” by Indy Kethdy
Mystery / Thriller These types of stories pose lots of questions… “Whodunit”? Where are they? What Happened? Where is it? What is it?
Mystery / Thriller: Common Elements Suspense Tension, raising of the stakes for the protagonist Protagonist must be proactive rather than reactive Character growth – hero needs to have grown in maturity & learned a lesson in order to get through his “darkest hours” Can be realistic or involve elements of supernatural Typical structure Inciting incident Conflict Complications “Darkest hour” Climactic “battle” Resolution – “good” should prevail over “bad” / truth over lies
Differences between Mystery & Thriller
Mystery vs. thriller Scene B Scene A The audience/reader sees the saboteur place the bomb, is told that it will go off at one o’clock, and can see a clock ticking in the scene. What does the reader experience here? = SUSPENSE Scene A Two characters are conversing in a cafe, and a bomb suddenly goes off under the table. What does the reader experience here? = SURPRISE
Sub genre: Psychological thriller Mystery / thriller Sub genre: Psychological thriller
Psychological Thriller Often internal conflicts of man vs. self Mental state of main character(s) in conflict with normalcy Main character struggles with perception of reality Characters must rely on mental strength to overcome fears/challenges/conflict Protagonist must beat the antagonist using their wits, not physical strength. THE AUTHOR PURPOSELY MESSES WITH YOUR HEAD!
Psychological Thriller Themes Reality Perception Mind Existence/Purpose Identity Death
…a genre of strong emotions! Horror …a genre of strong emotions!
Horror Think of a time when you were really scared or spooked… What feelings did you experience? What was happening to you physically? Why do we enjoy being scared and frightened? -Safe thrill -Gives fear a face Why do such stories that seem outlandish bring about such real emotions? -Identification! Safe thrill, Gives fear a face Identification
Hunyad Castle (Dracula’s Castle) Transylvania Origins of Horror Word horror comes from the Latin word horrere - “to bristle with fear” Folklore, legends, fables, ghost stories told around campfires! Gothic literature (first “horror-like” genre) “the hair on the back of his neck bristled” Hunyad Castle (Dracula’s Castle) Transylvania
“The Story of the Ghost Story” – BBC video clip
Gothic literature Very first Gothic novel published in 1764: The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole
classic horror novels Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897) Considered Gothic horror
Classic horror novels Many stories based on ancient myths & designed as morality tales German – "double goer" was meant to describe a person who had the apparent ability to be in two places at once The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Doppelganger myth –beware of the evil twin! Humans creating life against God’s will
Themes that make horror horrific!!!! Setting Iconic horror figures TThe Horror Genre Themes that make horror horrific!!!!
Characteristics of horror Designed to make you afraid and feel FEAR! Exploits human fears Entombment Insanity Transformation Death Often travel beyond the limits normalcy, but does not have to be supernatural in nature – think Serial Killer! Often deal with the occult
Characteristics of horror Often blurs / crosses the lines of human psychological & physical normalcy Animal / human Sane / insane Real / imagined Male / female Dead / living Most horror stories end with social & moral order restored
Horror Book trailer: The Girl from the Well by Rin Chupeco