Treasure Island By Literature Circle #4
Chapter one Facts
Tresure Island Tresure Island is by Robert Louis Stevenson. It was published on May 23,1883. This book is what made pirate books popular. It was originally serialized in Youth Folks children's magazine. Tresure Island is known for it’s action and characters.
Chapter 2 Characters & settings
settings The settings in this book are , Tresure Island, the Hotel, the ocean and the ship
Characters Jacob Captain long John Christophe Mother Madden Ship killer Crew Captain Mary
Chapter 3 What we think
Mary Frances I would give this book a 5 out of 10 because there is a lot of valance and a lot of people die.
CC I would give this book a 3 out of 10 because I don’t really like it because a lot of people die and there is too much valance.
Hayes I would give this book a1 out of 10 because I do not like it.
Lila banks I would give this book a 3 out of 10 because there is a lot of vilance .
Chapter 4 Thank you