National Operations Center of Excellence Patrick Son, P.E. Managing Director Steven Lavrenz, Ph.D. Technical Services Manager
National Operations Center of Excellence Our Vision & Mission Our Website Knowledge Center Accomplishments Goals & Objectives Business Plan Our “Ask” of You!
Origins of NOCoE SHRP2 Reliability Research implementation activities Development of “enhanced knowledge transfer system (EKTS) MOU between AASHTO, ITE, ITSA, and FHWA Successor to National Transportation Operations Coalition (NTOC) created a knowledge transfer system for the TSMO community (KTS) Further research led to its revision as an “enhanced knowledge transfer system (EKTS) with an emphasis on facilitating sharing of knowledge resources on reliability A working group of AASHTO, ITE, ITS America, and FHWA led to an MOU among the organizations to consolidate their efforts in support of transportation operations under one umbrella The well respected NTOC framework was merged into this new National Operations Center of Excellence in which the enhanced website and a Technical Services Plan and Outreach and Engagement Strategy became its foundation in its first year
NOCoE Structure Board of Directors Managing Director Staff Support and In-Kind Services Staff Support and In-Kind Services Managing Director Technical Advisory Committee ITE AASHTO Outreach and Engagement Program Technical Service Program Deputy Program Director, Operations ITS America Other Activities and Services
Our Vision & Mission Vision: Provide exceptional services to the TSM&O community to save lives, reduce congestion, and enhance economic vitality Mission: Empower the TSM&O community to succeed by enhancing knowledge, skills, and abilities Travel time reliability Maintenance reliability Planning/budgeting reliability
Website Knowledge Center Technical Services Image courtesy-
NOCoE Website Knowledge Center Discussion Forum Events Calendar NOCoE Website Knowledge Center Discussion Forum Events Calendar TSMO Resources Why TSMO? News & Blog Knowledge Center: This forms the basis of the enhanced knowledge transfer system (EKTS) that arose out of the SHRP2 program. It currently contains over 1,000 individual items and is a repository for key technical content and training materials related to TSMO. Discussion Forum: A place for TSMO practitioners to interact with one another on various issues pertaining to TSMO. Calendar: A listing of all events sponsored by the NOCoE, including webinars, workshops, and peer exchanges, as well as other relevant TSMO-related events. TSMO Resources: Direct listings to websites for various NOCoE partners and TSMO technical resources. Why TSMO?: Resources for agencies to establish a case for supporting TSMO practices and business processes. News & Blog: Current TSMO resource publications, announcements, industry developments, the latest opportunities, as well as posts on various TSMO.
Over 1,200 resources and counting! Knowledge Center: Over 1,200 resources and counting! Active Traffic Management Arterial Management Autonomous Vehicles/Connected Vehicles Cybersecurity Electronic Toll and Fare Collection Emergency Preparedness and Security Freeway Management HOV/HOT Lane Development Intelligent Transportation Systems Integrated Corridor Management Managed Lanes Regional Traffic Management Centers Road Weather Management Traffic Incident Management Traffic Signal Operations Traveler Information
2015-2016 Accomplishments Peer Exchanges Webinars (over 30) 6 in-person peer exchanges (mix of regional and national topics) 1 virtual peer exchange (Cleveland RNC Planning) Webinars (over 30) Independent Evaluations of NOCoE Operations Volpe Center: Website usage CH2MHill: Content offerings and user feedback National Summit on TSM&O Workforce Development Outreach & Engagement STSMO & SCOTSEM listservs
Goals & Objectives 2016-2017 Business Plan (Effective July 1st) Based on Board/TAC input and user feedback Technical Services Plan Outreach & Engagement Plan Address Issues Faced by the TSM&O Community Processes Technology Culture Processes: e.g., workforce development - how to explicitly define and craft language to support critical TSMO expertise areas through existing hiring, retention, and promotion channels. Technology: the growing impact of fields such as connected & autonomous vehicles, especially with respect to their implications for day-to-day traffic operations, are of significant concern and interest for many practitioners. Also, how agencies can best utilize the availability of new user communication channels and data sources (e.g., crowd-sourced speed data and smartphone apps) to support their systems management and increase their public exposure, will be important Culture: ongoing need to promote TSMO as a cross-cutting field of policy and engagement that permeates across multiple subject areas, from economic development to emergency response and decision support systems
Goals & Objectives Continuation of webinars and regional/national in-person peer exchanges Expansion of virtual peer exchanges Revitalization of discussion forums Promotion of TSMO data sources and visualization tools Agency site visits
NOCoE Business Plan 6+ Peer Exchanges Webinars partnering & hosting Peer Exchanges (In-Person & Virtual) Webinar Training & Education National Annual Summit TSM&O Knowledge Center New Technical Services (On-Site Agency Visits, Subject Matter Expert Exchange, Educator Tools, etc.) 6+ Peer Exchanges Regional (Midwest, Southwest, etc.) National Topic-Based (e.g., AV/CV Infrastructure Readiness) Partnership with external groups (New England ITS, AMPO, etc.) Webinars partnering & hosting Virtual Peer Exchanges National Annual Summit
Our Ask of the TSM&O Community! Register for the webinars/forums/newsletter Partner on technical events Share your own knowledge resources Add the NOCoE logo/link to website Provide feedback on technical services Register for the website (discussion forums) and the newsletter .. Give us your feedback on the website and services. Add the NOCoE logo and link to your website. Share with us your calendar and technical literature. Patrick Son, P.E. Managing Director Steven Lavrenz, Ph.D. Technical Services Manager