“The Stories Julian Tells: Catalog Cats”
Optional Day 2: Do Now 1. Daily Proofreading Practice
Traditional Day 2: Do Now 1. Daily Proofreading Practice
Words to Know “Catalog Cats” quiver invisible ordinary request backbone
I can recount the plot details in a text. Essential Question: How do a character’s motivations, feelings, and actions affect events and other people? How can sharing stories build relationships?
I can recount the plot details in a text.
Prior Knowledge and Purpose “Catalog Cats" I can recount the plot details in a text. Target Skill: Theme Prior Knowledge and Purpose “Catalog Cats" What is a catalog? What do you want to know? What is your reason for reading “Catalog Cats”? To show mastery, using Graphic Organizer and evidence from text, keep track of important details about the plot and characters in order to identify the theme. What will you be doing?
I can recount the plot details in a text. What is PLOT? Plot is what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of a fiction book. Beginning: Characters and setting are introduced and the problem starts to be evident. Middle: The story climaxes and the problem is at its peak. End: The solution is presented.
I can recount the plot details in a text. Essential Question: How do a character’s motivations, feelings, and actions affect events and other people? How can sharing stories build relationships? I do: Read pages 17-19 10.According to Julian, what is a catalog? 11.What does each color cat do for a garden? Beginning
I can recount the plot details in a text. Essential Question: How do a character’s motivations, feelings, and actions affect events and other people? How can sharing stories build relationships? We do: Read pages 20-23 12.What is the reason that cats can’t wash windows and paint a house? Middle
I can recount the plot details in a text. Essential Question: How do a character’s motivations, feelings, and actions affect events and other people? How can sharing stories build relationships? We Do, They Do: Read pages 24-27 13.What happens to Julian’s voice when his father’s voice gets loud? End
I can recount the plot details in a text. Essential Question: How do a character’s motivations, feelings, and actions affect events and other people? How can sharing stories build relationships? They Do, You Do: Read pages 28-30 14.What do catalog cats do if the person who owns the garden works hard?
I can recount the plot details in a text. Close I Do We Do Ticket Out the Door 1. Who were the characters, where was the setting? 2. Read the beginning again to find what happened in the beginning. Read the beginning again. Julian, Huey, Father Home
I can recount the plot details in a text. Essential Question: How do a character’s motivations, feelings, and actions affect events and other people? How can sharing stories build relationships? I do: Read pages 17-19 10.According to Julian, what is a catalog? 11.What does each color cat do for a garden? Beginning
I can recount the plot details in a text. Essential Question: How do a character’s motivations, feelings, and actions affect events and other people? How can sharing stories build relationships? We do: Read pages 20-23 12.What is the reason that cats can’t wash windows and paint a house? Middle
I can recount the plot details in a text. Close I Do We Do Ticket Out the Door Write the Beginning. Julian, Huey, Father Home Julian has convinced Huey that cats that help in the garden come from catalogs.
Stations: I can recount the plot details in a text. Teacher Computer: Writing Listening Comprehension Library Word Study Vocabulary
Optional Day 3: Do Now The cats was in the catalog? 1. Daily Proofreading Practice 3. Write the sentence and circle the proper nouns. The cats was in the catalog? I’m is going to ask Dad about it.
Traditional Day 3: Do Now 1. Daily Proofreading Practice 3. Write the sentence and circle the proper nouns. The cats was in the catalog? I’m is going to ask Dad about it.
Words to Know “Catalog Cats” quiver invisible ordinary request backbone
Prior Knowledge and Purpose “Catalog Cats" I can recount the plot details in a text. Target Skill: Theme Prior Knowledge and Purpose “Catalog Cats" What is a catalog? What do you want to know? What is your reason for reading “Catalog Cats”? To show mastery, using Graphic Organizer and evidence from text, keep track of important details about the plot and characters in order to identify the theme. What will you be doing?
I can recount the plot details in a text. What is PLOT? Plot is what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of a fiction book. Beginning: Characters and setting are introduced and the problem starts to be evident. Middle: The story climaxes and the problem is at its peak. End: The solution is presented.
I can recount the plot details in a text. Essential Question: How do a character’s motivations, feelings, and actions affect events and other people? How can sharing stories build relationships? We do: Read pages 20-23 12.What is the reason that cats can’t wash windows and paint a house? Middle
I can recount the plot details in a text. Essential Question: How do a character’s motivations, feelings, and actions affect events and other people? How can sharing stories build relationships? We Do, They Do: Read pages 24-27 13.What happens to Julian’s voice when his father’s voice gets loud? End
I can recount the plot details in a text. Close We Do They Do Ticket Out the Door Write the Middle: the steps to the climax of the problem the to the chapter. Julian, Huey, Father Home Julian has convinced Huey that cats that help in the garden come from catalogs. Huey is extremely upset when there are no cats in the catalog. .
I can recount the plot details in a text. Essential Question: How do a character’s motivations, feelings, and actions affect events and other people? How can sharing stories build relationships? We Do, They Do: Read pages 24-27 13.What happens to Julian’s voice when his father’s voice gets loud? End
I can recount the plot details in a text. Essential Question: How do a character’s motivations, feelings, and actions affect events and other people? How can sharing stories build relationships? They Do, You Do: Read pages 28-30 14.What do catalog cats do if the person who owns the garden works hard?
I can recount the plot details in a text. Close You Do Ticket Out the Door Write the Ending/Solution to the chapter. What is the theme? Julian, Huey, Father Home Julian has convinced Huey that cats that help in the garden come from catalogs. Huey is extremely upset when there are no cats in the catalog. . .Dad convinced Huey that Julian was telling the truth about catalog cats. He even let Huey send a request for some catalog cats.
Stations: I can recount the plot details in a text. Teacher Computer: Writing Listening Comprehension Library Word Study Vocabulary
Day 5: Do Now 1. On Day 5 write the sentence and circle the proper nouns underline the common.