Studio Lighting 2 and 3 Point set ups Sketch/write #22 Agenda 3/23/15 Sketch/write #21 Studio Lighting 2 and 3 Point set ups Sketch/write #22 Studio Portrait Project 5) Begin Shooting Studio Portraits 6) Work on your Independent Project
Sketch/write #21: review the websites entitled “3 Point Studio Lighting Set-up” and “3 Point Lighting Simulator”. Answer the following: What is the “Key” light? Where should the key light be placed? What does it do for the subject’s face in terms of light? What is the “Fill” light? Where should it be placed? What does it do for the subject’s face in terms of light and shadows? What is the “Back” light? Where should it be placed? What does it do for the subject’s face in terms of light and shadows? What is a possible 4th light you could include? What does it do? Draw a diagram that illustrates 3 Point Studio Lighting.
Sketch/write #22: Read the article “6 Portrait Lighting Patterns.” Explain what Split lighting is, what does it do for the subject’s face? Where will you set up the lights for Split lighting? Where will your subject be? Draw a diagram for Split Lighting. What are catch lights? Explain how to achieve them. Explain what Loop lighting is, what does it do for the subject’s face? Where will you set up the lights for Loop lighting? Where will your subject be? Draw a diagram for Loop Lighting. Explain what Rembrandt Lighting is. What does it create on the face? Where will you set up the lights for Rembrandt? Where will your subject be? Draw a diagram for Rembrandt. Explain what Butterfly Lighting is. What will it create on the subject’s face? Where will you set up the lights for Butterfly lighting? Where will your subject be? Draw a diagram for Butterfly Lighting. Explain what Broad Lighting is and how it affects the face. Explain what Short Lighting is and how it affects the face.
Loop Lighting
Split Lighting
Rembrandt Lighting
Butterfly Light
Two light set-up combinations: Key light + fill-light Key light + background light Key light + hair light Three light set-up combinations: Key light + fill-light + background light Key light + fill-light + hair light Key light + background light + hair light