Measles, HIV, Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) Salmonella, Gonorrhoea PATHOGEN is a microorganism that causes disease. Bacteria Virus Fungi Protists Reproduce rapidly Make toxins Very small Examples of viral diseases: Measles, HIV, Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) Reproduce inside cells Damage your cells Very very small Reproduce using spores Largest cell of these three. Examples of bacterial diseases: Salmonella, Gonorrhoea Example of fungal disease: Rose Black Spot Example of protist disease: Malaria Single celled organisms. Often use vectors. Large and parasitic.
Engulf & ingest Antibodies stick to pathogen Anti toxins stick to toxins White blood cells produce antibodies which match the shape of the antigen White-blood cells can quickly produce antibodies next time you’re infected Small amount of dead or inactive pathogen injected Immunity is when your body can make the antibodies needed to kill a pathogen you’ve had before. Vaccines
Antibiotics only work on Bacteria! Not viruses! Preventing Antibiotic Resistance Don’t overuse antibiotics Take specific antibiotics Overuse leads to more bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics. Mutations create new strains which are difficult to treat! Resistant bacteria survive & reproduce & cannot be treated! Developing new drugs Drugs tested to see if they are effective, safe & stable Drug Trials Research drug and make chemicals Tested on tissues and cells Tested on animals Tested on healthy volunteers Clinical trials on unhealthy patients Thalidomide wasn't properly tested and caused limb deformities A double blind trial is when neither the doctors or patients know which is the placebo drug. A PLACEBO is a pill that contains no drug. This helps doctors see the real effect of a medicine.
Monoclonal Antibodies (MAB’s) Biology Only Identical antibodies produced by a single clone of cells. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Uses of MAB’s: Pregnancy Tests Locating blood clots Treating cancers Cheaper to develop They bind to diseased or damaged cells needing treatment. Treat a wide range of conditions. Expensive Many side effects Body cells can be harmed. Complex Plant Diseases Plant defences Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV): Mottling or leaves Curled leaves Stunted streaks or spots on leaves. discoloured Physical: Bark Waxy cuticle on leaves Cell walls growth Yellow Black Spot Fungus: or spots on upper surface of leaf. Black purple Mechanical: Thorns Leaves that curl when touched Aphids: Small that feed on the sap of the plant. growth rate. Mottled or yellow leaves. Low insects Decreased Chemical: Antibacterial chemicals Poisons yield
Exam Q1
Exam Q2 Students did not talk about the reason why the person did not get measles AFTER vaccination.
Exam Q3
Exam Q4 Temperature used in industries?
Exam Q5