Welcome To High Tech High
School Report Card Slight Upward Trend in Reading-Math & Writing Science still low http://www.qsd.wednet.edu
Focus Status Low Graduation Rate Focus SIP- Raise the graduation rate by first lowering the rate of students failing. *Extended Learning Opportunities Student Assistance Program (S.A.P.) Voluntary and Mandatory COE Writing, Reading & Math (QHS) EOC Tutoring 2 weeks before testing schedule 3 NWEA testing cycles to monitor progress HQ staff working harder to engage students CWT emphasis on student learning and staff instructional strategies best practices Students tracking grades and attendance during Advisory Academic Probation Parent Letter (Increase in parent support) More students are taking advantage of the SAP to regain missing credits (Apex-PLATO) Book study Turnaround Tools for the Teenage Brain (Focus on underperforming students)
Passing All Classes Semester 1 2014 and 2015
Grades by Subject
SRI Sub Group Growth Data
NWEA 2nd of 3 Testing Cycles
Youth Truth Survey G:\YTS\YouthTruth.htm EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Compared to students at other schools that have participated in the YouthTruth survey, High Tech High Alternative students have less positive perceptions of their school experience. At HTHA, students gave more favorable feedback regarding: School culture Conversely, students gave HTHA lower ratings on:Engagement with school Relationships with teachers Relationships with peers Academic rigor Students provided typical feedback with respect to:College and career readiness On average, students at HTHA agree more strongly that they are receiving a high-quality education compared to students at other participating schools. In sharing what they like most about their school, students most commonly cite supportive teachers who care about and help them and important and interesting classes. Conversely, when asked what they dislike about HTHA, students most often indicate that their classes aren't important or interesting enough and that students and teachers at the school don't treat each other with enough respect and fairness.
Seniors Currently 24 16 Should Walk
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