Pathways and Options at Key Stage 4 Mrs Verma Assistant Headteacher (Curriculum & Assessment)
Introduction Assessment process GCSEs Vocational course Changes to A Levels Work experience Progression Post 16 and Post 18
Preparing for Key Stage 4 Assembly on options process Discussions with review tutor Presentation on core and option subjects Curriculum information on website Options evening/parents’ evening
CORE subjects
Core subjects English English Literature Mathematics Religious Studies Science * Computing* RSE/PSHEE PE* * Options within these subjects
Science Core plus Additional (Double Award) Separate Sciences (option)
Computing IT Functional skills Computer science (option)
Religious Education All students will complete the full course GCSE
PE All students will participate in physical activities and will complete the SLA GCSE PE (option)
RSE/PSHEE Discrete days off timetable Assembly Review time
Option choices The English Baccalaureate* (English, mathematics, double science, or two from biology, chemistry, physics, computing, geography or history and a foreign language) All students to access the Ebacc
Progress 8 Measure introduced by the government Progress across 8 qualifications including: English language, English literature, mathematics, science, computer science, humanities, MFL and up to three vocational subjects Progress in all subjects- not just grades
Choosing courses Your daughter must consider: Which subjects she enjoys and why Which subjects is she good at Her preferred learning style Her career aspirations Keeping her options open Progression at Post 16 and Post 18
Choosing courses Your daughter must not choose her options: Based on what her friends have chosen Because she likes the teacher Because it is what ‘XXX’ wants me to do
Pathway 1 Traditional route – predominantly GCSE qualifications with a choice of four subjects studied over 2 years Pathway 2 Traditional/vocational route – mixture of GCSE and BTEC qualifications with a choice of four subjects with some delivered in one year and some over two years Pathway 3 Skill development route - a range of level 1 and 2 courses which focus on developing key skills in English, Mathematics and ICT and preparation for the world of work. Extra support for GCSE English and Mathematics also provided Pathway 4 &5 GCSE and Internship route – choice of two GCSEs alongside a vocational level 2 BTEC course plus opportunity to work with employers in a chosen vocational area Pathways Pathway 1 Traditional/vocational route – mixture of GCSE and vocational qualifications with a choice of four subjects studied over 2 years including a MFL and geography and/or history Pathway 2 A mixture of GCSE and vocational qualifications with a choice of three subjects studied over 2 years including geography and/or history. There will be additional support for English and maths.
Subjects available Art Business Citizenship Computing Drama Food Preparation and Nutrition French Geography Health and Social Care History Music PE Photography Separate Science Spanish courses will only run if they are viable (minimum of 15 students)
Option form
Completing options form Select pathway following discussions with review tutor Choose one options from each of the blocks
Options Choose one language Choose one humanities subject Choose a further two options (will include additional language and humanities options) * Pathway 2 choose humanities subject and a further two options
Option blocks
What happens next……? 27/02/18 Deadline for option choices 04/06/18 Key Stage Four Studies commence 0121 429 2838
Key Personnel Review tutors Mr Baker – Achievement Coordinator for Yr8 & Yr9 Mrs Colvin-Grieve – Intervention & Inclusion Coordinator Ms Pickford– Achievement Coordinator for Yr10 & Yr11 Mrs Verma – Assistant Headteacher (Curriculum & Assessment) Mrs P Kempthorne – Director of CEIAG and Work Related Learning