Appendicular Skeleton Bones of pectoral girdle & pelvic girdle Bones of the upper & lower limbs Differences between male & female pelvises
Pelvic girdle – where arms attach to axial skeleton
Figure 5.10
Features of pectoral girdle Clavicles articulate medially with manubrium Acromium process articulates with clavicle Glenoid cavity articulates with humerus Coracoid process = attachment for arm & chest muscles
Pelvic Girdle – where the legs attach to axial skeleton os coxae of pelvic girdle formed by fusion of the ilium, ischium, and pubis. The pelvic girdle consists of two ossa coxae (ossa, bone + coxa, hip;singular). At birth, these bones are separated by hyaline cartilage & fusion is usually complete by age 25 Acetabulum is where the 3 bones meet femur
Sex differences Female iliac bones more flared Female ishial spines shorter Female inlet larger, more circular Female sacrum less curved Female pubic arch is rounder Female pelvis is shallower and lighter
Figure 5.11