Curriculum Overview Language Arts Social Studies Science Math
Language Arts Sentence structure Capitalization Punctuation Creative writing Editing Oral presentations, skits, puppet shows Poetry Parts of speech Syllables Dictionary skills
Social Studies Geography The First Thanksgiving Native Americans Tenafly Communities Responsive Classroom Anti-Bullying Program
Science Force and Motion Soil and Plants Earthworms Life cycles
Mathematics Problem solving Grouping Patterns Place value Addition and subtraction Money and time Measurement Geometry Temperature Multiplication and division
The Seven Year Old They need routine. They want to finish what they begin. They enjoy repeating tasks. These children like projects and collections. Students can be anxious about tests. They need transition time. These children tend to like one-to-one conversations. Their vocabulary expands rapidly. Children love to be read to.
Miscellaneous Book Orders will be going home four or five times this year. You can order books online from The class will receive a free book for every order that is completed online. Students may bring home “extra math.” This is math they can work on in class or at home for extra credit. Once they have completed 5 packets, they can use the computer. I do encourage students to work on these packets during their free time but it is voluntary. The packets will become increasingly more difficult.
How Parents Can Help Read to and with your child. Play games- particularly board games. Listen to your child. Have one-to-one conversations. Limit television, computer, and video game time. I used to tell my sons they could play for as long as they read! Give them change to count. Help them practice telling time. Read and discuss schoolwork. Eat dinner together. Encourage play dates. Try to tell them things you like about them everyday.