Look at Me Now, Look at Me Now, I’m Leaving Paper! Presented by Edali Carlos, Antionette Wash, and Jennifer Ozturk Alief ISD
In today’s session You will learn how to start collecting your students' work with digital portfolios. Teachers PK - 5th Grade will learn how to implement these web based tools: Seesaw, Google Classroom, and Schoology in their digital classroom.
Edali Carlos I have been working for Alief ISD for 9 years. Instructional Technology Specialist and GT Coordinator Youens Elementary I have been working for Alief ISD for 9 years. 2 years at Youens Elementary 3 years at Kennedy Elementary (Science/ Instructional Technology Specialist) 4 years as a classroom teacher at Kennedy Elementary
Antionette Wash I have been working for Alief ISD for 9 years. 2nd Grade Monolingual Teacher I have been working for Alief ISD for 9 years. 2 years at Youens Elementary (Primary teacher) 2 years at Alief Learning Center(Librarian Assistant) 4 years at Bush Elementary (Behavior Interventionist)
Jennifer Ozturk I have been working in education for 19 years. Library Information Specialist and GT Coordinator Youens Elementary I have been working in education for 19 years. 15 years in elementary (6 as a Library Information Specialist) 2 years in middle school 2 years in high school
Advantages Easy login iOS Devices, Android Devices, Kindle Fire, and Chromebooks Drawing tool, Camera, Video, Links, Empowers students to document their own work independently or in groups Creates a positive environment between students. Review their products before publishing into the class feed Parents are able to login and see what students have published for the day Communication between parents and teachers Quick formative assessments Lesson ideas Upload projects that are in jpeg, png, PDF, video Print work with QR Codes
Disadvantages Only assignments can be visible in calendar and can only be added on a day by day basis. When using their drawing tools, you can’t do multiple pages. If you make a mistake while you are recording, you have to start all over again. Seesaw Plus and Seesaw for Schools has an annual fee (pay for more assessment tools, tracking student info, and record private student notes) Can’t check tracking tech data usage
Examples of students work
https://classroom.google.com/ 1st Grade Smarties 2nd Grade Smarties
Advantages Great for peer-to-peer and student-to-teacher collaboration Can be used with all other aspects of Google (such as slides, docs, sheets, etc) Can be easily monitored by the teacher Allows for students to collect work for the entire school year in one location. Great for taking notes Allows for the teacher to see “real-time” work of multiple students at one time Students can collaborate with people outside of the classroom (such as other teachers or administrators). Teachers can easily control who can see and edit documents in the Google Classroom
Disadvantages Students must be comfortable with being able to login into Google Classroom, preferably by using a Gmail account Does not allow for “private” parent collaboration Displays students’ first and last names
Schoology Examples (insert hyperlink) https://alief.schoology.com/home Students can access their projects through their assignments.
Advantages Many districts use Schoology so there is a small learning curve for students Looks like social media (Facebook) so it is a familiar format for many students Students can like other students’ posts and comment on discussions Comments on assignments can be recorded orally and turned in Web based so can be used on any type of device Students can attach files (Office program documents) or hyperlinks to Google Docs, Slides, or Forms
Disadvantages Challenging for students to log in (depending on how districts set up log-in) Not as many primary students are familiar with Facebook so the similarities may not be as helpful for elementary students More steps to follow to turn in assignments Difficulty in turning in video type assignments or projects from iPad apps Not as primary friendly (not as many graphics) Students create projects in other formats, then turn it in via Schoology
Examples of student work turned in via Schoology
Survey Please fill out a survey to rate our session and give us feedback in the mobile app. Thanks! Handouts can be accessed at http://www.tceaconvention.org/ or in the handouts section of the mobile app.
Thank you for attending! Our contact information: Edali Carlos: ecarlos@ga.aliefisd.net Antionette Wash: ahumphri@ga.aliefisd.net Jennifer Ozturk: jeozturk@ga.aliefisd.net Hashtag #tcea17 Twitter Follow us www.twitter.com/tcea https://twitter.com/Youens_Gators Facebook Like us www.facebook.com/tcea.org