Cara Installasi XAMPP
First, you must download “xampp” on your Pc. You can download it on :
2. Run the file xampp-win32-4.1.12-Installer.exe (or other version) Then will appear the option to choose the language when the installation process is running. Please select a language Indonesian or English,
3. The installation process will begin. Click Next to begin.
4. Software licenses will appear. Click I Agree to continue.
5. Next, please you choose a location to install XAMPP 5. Next, please you choose a location to install XAMPP. Then click install
6. Wait a while until the installation is complete.
7. Installation is complete
8. To this point, we have installed XAMPP 8. To this point, we have installed XAMPP. That means we've finished installing PHP, APACHE and MYSQL. The next step is to run its service. Run the XAMPP Control Panel on the desktop. Or you can also run the XAMPP Control Panel from the Start menu -> All Programs -> apachefriends -> XAMPP -> XAMPP control panel.
9. Restart Apache and Mysql by clicking the Start button 9. Restart Apache and Mysql by clicking the Start button. Open a web browser and type http://localhost. If it looks like below, then apache is installed correctly
Lalu kita akan menginstal wordpress di xampp Langkah-langkah Untuk Menginstal WordPress Lokalhost Menggunakan Xampp adalah
A. Open the file that was installed xampp Click on the menu so that Apache and MySql can walk
Tahap Kedua : Membuat Database Baru Setelah Apache serta MySql aktif, langsung menuliskan http://localhost/phpmyadmin/index.php pada browser internet anda. 2. Create a new database, the database content Create new form with wordpress, then click the button
Stage Three: Installing WordPress Apache and MySql has been active with the name of the wordpress database is created, it is time to install wordpress. Http://localhost/wordpress/ write in your internet browser, the following sequence. On a form, change the user name with the root, for the password in clear only. Then click the button. View images Then click the submit button
Fill out the form provided 1. Site Title: fill in the desired subject, for example: Testing WordPress 2. Username: fill in your user name, for example: admin 3. Password, twice; fill with the desired password, eg 123456 (fill in both of them /should be the same). 4. Your E-mail: fill in your email: eg 5. End with a click of a button.
If all went well and there is nothing wrong will emerge a Success If all went well and there is nothing wrong will emerge a Success!, And now youcan try to login to your wordpress. Congratulations you have successfully install WordPress Lokalhost Using Xamppand now you have your own server without requiring any internet connectionwithout a toll charge, you are free to mutually theme please test all the themes thatyou want without having to fear a loss of an existing blog traffic.
So how to install wordpress lokalhost using xampp and wordpress blog to accessthis locally, you need to activate XAMPP and running Apache and MySql as has been explained above, the address to access it is http://localhost/wordpress/. Tologin is http://localhost/wordpress/wp-login.php