Linac 4 Devices Controls and Monitoring Status A. Masi Contents 3 MeV Test Stand Controls status Linac 4 devices controls and monitoring status Linac 4 control system solutions Beam Stopper control system Dump control system LBS Slit control system
Device Status Foreseen deadline 1–Control systems status for devices in Linac 4 Test Stand Building 152 Device Status Foreseen deadline Beam Stopper for test Stand + Beam stopper with hole (Iris) for test stand Control system commissioned and operational Fesa Class running Expert Java interface to be developed November 2012
2–Linac 4 devices controls and monitoring status Foreseen deadline N.2 Beam Stopper for Linac 4 (L4L.TDI.1187 L4L.TDI.1188) Modification test stand electronic chassis Cables are being installed Low level software to be modified 2013 Main Dump Functional Specifications are being finalized May 2013 L4T Stopper (L4T.TDISA.0740) Functional Specifications to be finalized April 2014 LBE and LBS Dump September 2013 LBS Slit 2014-2016
3–Linac 4 devices control systems Electronics Interlocks Alarms Access System Comments N.2 Beam Stopper for Linac 4 (L4L.TDI.1187 L4L.TDI.1188) PLC and FESA Class to Control: 1 electro-van 1 HV power supply Acquire: 6 switches 1 air pressure sensor √ Basically same system as the 3 MeV test bench L4T Stopper (L4T.TDISA.0740) without HV power supply Main Dump PLC and FESA Class to Acquire: 2 thermocouples 4 infrared sensors 2 PT 100 for water 2 water flow meters 2 water pressure sensors LBE and LBS Dump LBS Slit Same control system as Linac 2-3 No news
4–Linac 4 Beam Stopper Control System Architecture
4–Linac 4 Test Stand Beam Stopper Control System Beam Stopper + Iris control system successfully installed and commissioned end of July 2012
4–Linac 4 Test Stand Beam Stopper Control System Iris Movement Command Switches Status acquisition 3 MeV Test Stand Iris FESA Class
5–Linac 4 Dump Control System
5–Linac 4 Dump Control System By C. Maglioni
5–Linac 4 Dump Control System All measurements but FS may fall into the following classification: Acceptable (A): the reading is nominal or within the pre-established acceptable ranges Non-acceptable (NA): the reading is out of the acceptable ranges No-reading (NR): indicate the absence of signal Flow Switch FS is only 0=off / 1=on Flow reading is the driving parameter above all (AF and FS) AF and FS are used in parallel as redundancy and sort of crosscheck. They are supposed to “agree”. If not DT and Dp become the driving parameters but one of both AF and FS has to be repaired The no-reading signal (NR) is indicative of an instrumentation issue intervention may have or have to be done (depending on which is the instrument affected) to fix it
5–Linac 4 Dump Control System By C. Maglioni
6–Linac 4 LBS Slit Control System Left-Right
6–Linac 4 LBS Slit Control System
6–Linac 4 LBS Slit Control System
The FESA Class One Axis Slit: SteppingAxis 6–Linac 4 LBS Slit Control System The FESA Class One Axis Slit: SteppingAxis
Conclusions and Outlooks Device Status Foreseen deadline N.2 Beam Stopper for Linac 4 (L4L.TDI.1187 L4L.TDI.1188) Modification test stand electronic chassis Cables are being installed Low level software to be modified 2013 Main Dump Functional Specifications are being finalized May 2013 L4T Stopper (L4T.TDISA.0740) Functional Specifications to be finalized April 2014 LBE and LBS Dump September 2013 LBS Slit 2014-2016