Understanding Art Lesson 6: Fibre Craft Year 4: Art, Materials and Technology
Understanding Art Lesson 6: Fibre Craft Year 4 Art, Materials and Technology Change to insert
Rapid Review Compare means to find how things are similar or alike.. Texture Colour Shape Line Similar Different Face mask from the Torres Strait (19th century) Chinese carved wood mask One has sharp lines, the other curved lines Teacher to differentiate by releasing students who are ready and teaching to the middle and lower students. Look at examples from LRS resources for question style. Include extended thinking down the bottom of the slide. Natural wood colours One has eyes, the other eye holes Hair and decoration is from different materials Smooth
Learning Objective We will make a traditional art piece from natural materials1. 1. Any product that comes from plants, animals or the ground
Activating Prior Knowledge We will make a traditional piece from natural materials. Traditional is a way of doing things that has been passed down by people over many, many years. "Exotic Landscapes" by Brian Robinson 2014 Hut built by the Kuku Yalanji people. Nth Qld Aboriginal clap sticks used with didgeridoos in dance TG: “Read With Me, today we will…” Optional question. Tell you partner what you remember about traditional indigenous art.
Concept Development We will make a traditional piece from natural materials, using plant fibre1. True or False: Plant fibre can only be bought from shops. Key academic vocabulary comes from the learning objective. E.g. We will describe the style of… Definition: Style is… Gesture optional for definition. 1. thread made from plants
Watch the PowerPoint Making Baskets – Margaret Sellars Skill Development Natural materials are any product that comes from plants, animals or the ground. To make a traditional piece using plant fibre we will: Learn to weave Make a traditional piece Say why we used these materials Watch the PowerPoint Making Baskets – Margaret Sellars What’s the skill? Pick 3 x non-volunteers. Tell your partner about techniques you saw used in the PowerPoint.
Skill Development – Woven Mat To begin weaving we must have materials. What’s the skill? Pick 3 x non-volunteers. Tell your partner about some steps in preparing pandanus for weaving.
Skill Development – Woven Mat We must have materials – strips that have been dried. What’s the skill? Pick 3 x non-volunteers.
Skill Development – Jute Bag We must have materials – jute string that is dried and prepared for use. What’s the skill? Pick 3 x non-volunteers. Tell your partner something that must be done to prepare jute for weaving.
Guided Practice – Woven Mat Natural materials are any product that comes from plants, animals or the ground. To make a traditional piece using plant fibre we will: Learn to weave Make a traditional piece Say why we used these materials Tell your partner why we have used these materials to make a mat.
Guided Practice – Jute Bag Natural materials are any product that comes from plants, animals or the ground. To make a traditional piece using plant fibre we will: Learn to weave Make a traditional piece Say why we used these materials Tell your partner why we have used these materials.
Relevance We will make a traditional art piece from natural materials. Being able to use natural materials to make traditional art pieces helps us to: Appreciate the traditions and skills of our ancestors Look after the environment Tell your partner another reason to learn how to make traditional pieces from natural materials.
Closure Natural materials are any product that comes from plants, animals or the ground. To make a traditional piece using plant fibre we will: Learn to weave Make a traditional piece Say why we used these materials Tell your partner one thing you will have to concentrate on to make your traditional piece the best it can be.
Independent Practice We will make a traditional art piece from natural materials. Natural materials are any product that comes from plants, animals or the ground. To make a traditional piece using plant fibre we will: Learn to weave Make a traditional piece Say why we used these materials What’s the skill? Pick 3 x non-volunteers. Extended thinking: What other materials could I have made my traditional piece from? What would be the advantages of using those materials?