Graphic Design What is Graphic Design? What is Graphic Design? is a form of communication using text and/or images to create an effective message in the design of logos, graphics, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs, and any other type of visual expression. What is Graphic Design? What is Graphic Design? What is Graphic Design? What is Graphic Design?
GrApHiC dEsIgN VS. graphic arts Graphic Arts – “Arts represented by drawing or imposing on a flat surface an image that communicates a message; (PRINT MAKING) Graphic Design- The word “graphic” literally means, “of writing” but the term graphic design “includes an arrangement of works, shapes, or images or a combination thereof.” Secondly, all graphic design has a purpose or a function.” sell something, the intention to say something, to inform and influence your choices and your actions.
Ways of Seeing Perception- interpret our unique experience of the world through our five senses (memory and sensation) Visualization – a journey we can follow in our minds through mental images Imagination - the ability to see images in the form of dreams, fantasies, fairy tales and or ideas.
Creativity 5 Forces Behind Creativity 1- Inspiration: is that creative fire which offers light, energy and a source of excitement 2- Motivation: is the immobilizing energy which moves you to reach a desired goal 3- Frustration: a feeling of disorganization which can be positively refocused into a creative solution 4- Intuition: an immediate sensation of an answer, a feeling or a direction (hunch) 5- Curiosity: is an eagerness to question further, and to explore beyond the initial idea
Why Teach Graphic Design: Devices change every day. Teach how to use it efficiently. You are well versed texting, Instagram, blogging, tweeting to name a few. But can you digitally manipulate an image, alter a vector design or layout a newsletter? Why Teach Graphic Design:
Today, employers expect designers to be familiar with both PC and MAC computer graphics software. Designers must continually develop their skills with updated software, either through software training programs or self-education.
Industry demands a student with verbal and writing skills coupled with a strong visual design element. Graphic designers must be creative and able to communicate their ideas quickly and effectively.
Designers need to be well read, open to new ideas and influences, and quick to react to changing trends. Problem-solving skills, paying attention to detail, the ability to work independently
People in this field need self-discipline to start projects, budget time, and to meet deadlines/production schedules. Good business sense and sales ability are also important, especially for those who freelance or run their own business.
W hat do Graphic Designers do? plan analyze create visual solutions to communication problems. Decide the most effective way of getting a message across in print, electronic, and film media using a variety of methods such as color, type, illustration, photography, animation, and various print and layout techniques. Develop the overall layout and production design of magazines, newspapers, journals, corporate reports, and other publications. Produce promotional displays, packaging, and marketing brochures for products and services, design distinctive logos for products and businesses, and develop signs and signage systems—called environmental graphics-for business and government. Develop material for Internet Web pages, interactive media, and multimedia projects. Produce the credits that appear before and after television programs and movies.
Graphic Design Careers: Creative / Art Director Layout Artist Brand Identity Design Logo Designer Flash Designer Illustrator Technical Illustrator Photo Editing / Photoshop Artist: Multimedia Designer Photographer Prepress Technician Web Designer
Composition and Layout In the arts of painting, graphic design, and photography, Composition is the plan, placement or arrangement of the elements of art in a work. In graphic design and desktop publishing, composition is commonly referred to as page layout. (wikipedia) Layout Refers to the way in which we organize the material that makes up the content of a design. (your aim is to communicate a message clearly, coherently and logically)
Layout and Brief Checklist for layout What text will be used The Brief What photographs, illustrations, graphs etc How many colors can be used Size and format of job What part needs to be emphasized Target audience Is the client looking for a particular style The Brief what materials the client wants you to use. Combine text, main text, display copy (heading), boxes or side bars and captions, images, photos, illustrations, etc. Should include desired look or feel of the work which will depend on the TARGET AUDIENCE. Clean and structured Authoritative Funky and cutting edge Will provide a SCAMP or rough draft (guide) layout without detail
The Grid Divides the units of space within the page Will show column layout, margins and areas of main text, captions and images, repeating headings, running heads and page numbers etc.
Exploratory drawing (thumbnail sketches) Are used to explore ideas –Drawing should become the basis of expression and underpins all our design decisions. - ¼ the size - Minimum of 5 Thumbnail sketches are small drawings that lay out your idea. Observation - Drawing makes you see the subject as a SHAPE or SHAPES, color and tones. - You can understand and manipulate perspective. -Create the illusion of space and depth of field (texture and density)
When developing a thumbnail you will create a layout using squares (represents pictures) and lines (text). This will allow you to see how the shapes work together before you place the text and images. Heading Supporting text Picture
Layout Sequence Thumbnail sketches Rough Layout Comprehensive Layout
Detailed Rough