SWG Vendor Operations – Guidelines for Vendors Submitting proper documents for individual consultants Direct October 2009
Agenda Before an engagement Consultant Requirements Resume/Consultant Info. Up Front Checks AMEX setup Contact Information/Where to go for help
Consultant Requirements BEFORE ENGAGEMENT Consultant Requirements Prior to deployment on an engagement SWG Services must have certain information regarding your consultant on file in our database prior to deployment of your consultant. The following information is required: Resume provided in a standard format (shown on next page) Subcontractor information Name eMail City and state of residence Office phone and extension Cell phone This information should be provided softcopy to SWGIPVN@US.IBM.COM.
Consultant Requirements – Cont’d. BEFORE ENGAGEMENT Consultant Requirements – Cont’d. Prior to deployment on an engagement Criminal Background Check (CBC) checklist referred to as the Resource Verification Form (RVF) (sample on following page). From the consultant information provided on the RVF, IBM Confirms that your consultant does not have criminal convictions of certain types Checks to see if your resource was previously employed by IBM and verifies the circumstances surrounding their departure Checks your resource against a denied parties list published by the US Government, and if necessary, has the resource cleared for deployment by IBM Export Controls. Detailed information regarding the level of background check required and instructions on how to process the form within IBM are included on the form itself. Copies of these forms will be included in either a Master or a Transactional SOW and are also available from SWGIPVN@US.IBM.COM . In emergency situations only, the director or VP of services can approve deployment of resource while the background check is being processed. This approval is only good for 5 business days.
Consultant Requirements – Cont’d. BEFORE ENGAGEMENT Consultant Requirements – Cont’d. Prior to deployment on an engagement IBM Reimbursed Travel Every subcontractor must utilize IBM’s travel agency, American Express. Possession of an IBM AMEX travel itinerary should be sufficient to secure the IBM rate at a hotel or rental car agency. To set up a travel profile with AMEX, send a completed travel profile form softcopy to the SWGIPVN@US.IBM.COM. brand contact listed below. For copies of the form, please contact SWGIPVN@US.IBM.COM. To make reservations through AMEX travel, please contact 1-800-235-9426 (8am – 8pm edt) or 1-800-847-0242 (after hours emergency) once your travel profile has been created in the AMEX system. While traveling on IBM business, you are expected to adhere to the IBM Travel Guidelines contained in either your Master SOW or SOW with IBM. For a copy of these guidelines, please contact the Brand ID’s above. Meal Limit: The maximum amount IBM will reimburse each day for meals will be included in either an ERS or a NON-ERS/SOW. This amount is not a per diem. IBM will only reimburse for actual expenses.
Consultant Requirements – Cont’d. BEFORE ENGAGEMENT Consultant Requirements – Cont’d. Prior to deployment on an engagement IBM Reimbursed Travel – Cont’d. Hotel Limit: The maximum amount IBM will reimburse prior to taxes per night for lodging is included in an ERS or NON-ERS/SOW. If a hotel is not available at the rate outlined in the contract, IBM will reimburse for any AMEX booked hotel that is on the IBM preferred list (a copy of the AMEX itinerary indicating that travel is within policy is required with vendor invoice). If an IBM approved hotel is not available, or the customer has requested that a certain hotel be used, WRITTEN authorization must be obtained IN ADVANCE from the IBM Engagement Owner, and included with the travel expense backup.
Vendor Responsibilities DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities
Vendor Responsibilities DURING ENGAGEMENT Vendor Responsibilities
Collaboration (Lotus) isscsubk@us.ibm.com (efax 845-491-3180) Contact Information Where to go for Help: Subcontractor Analysts (note: brand ids are monitored by a primary SA, with backup coverage as needed) Collaboration (Lotus) isscsubk@us.ibm.com (efax 845-491-3180) Tivoli isstsubk@us.ibm.com (efax 845-491-5767) Rational issrsubk@us.ibm.com (efax 845-264-6263) Business Analytics (Cognos) issbasub@us.ibm.com (efax 845-491-7076) WebSphere aimsubk@us.ibm.com Information Management issimsub@us.ibm.com (efax 845-463-8741) Security ibmss@us.ibm.com (efax 845-491-7076) Industry Solutions ississub@us.ibm.com
CAR/Timesheet Submission timecard@us.ibm.com Contact Information Where to go for Help: General Topics CAR/Timesheet Submission timecard@us.ibm.com CBC/Resource Verification Forms, Resumes, Subcontractor Set-Up, AmEx Travel ibmswgdocs@infinite.com Procurement Contacts by Brand Check with your Brand Subcontractor Analyst Vendor Systems Access/Badge outssubk@us.ibm.com Escalation Tom Kuhar, tom_kuhar@us.ibm.com, 208-395-0355
Contact Information Where to go for Help: Partner Relationship Management Team Roles Partner Relationship Management Team Roles: Proactive partner relationship management Identifying new vendor companies that can address skill gaps Negotiation and set up of MSOWs (ERS enables a partner) Point of contact for the delivery team to address issues with existing partners *For a complete list of Partner Relationship managers please see Contact List for Partner Relationships
Gina Benedick-Davidson Contact Information Where to go for Help: Partner Relationship Manager Gina Benedick-Davidson Rational, Tivoli, Security, Information Management 208-395-0347 ginabene@us.ibm.com Brian Hawthorne WebSphere 401-477-6489 brianhaw@us.ibm.com Ted Smith Business Analytics, Collaboration 720-396-9210 ted_smith@us.ibm.com Andrea Ward Industry Solutions 905-686-5566 aeward@ca.ibm.com
Contact Information for ICS Where to go for Help: Initial Set up Sales John Laskey 919-678-1228 jlaskey@bellsouth.net Recruiter/problem solver Kathy Rowell 813-641-0730 Krowell@infinite.com Issue Resolution: POs, ERS/ERSA Unique email ID Ibm-ers@infinite.com Billing inquiries: ibmpayables@infinite.com Consultant Documents CBC/RVF, Resumes, AMEX Travel, etc ibmswgdocs@infinite.com Contracts Subba Badeti 609-269-8633 sbadeti@infinite.com