Unit 9 - The Civil War 1861-1865.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 9 - The Civil War 1861-1865

North and South (1861-1865) Economies Shift Societies Change Life During the War Focus: How did the Civil War bring temporary and lasting changes to American society? North and South (1861-1865) Economies Shift Societies Change North moves ahead modernization South “left behind” Physical & social damage

Life During the War Civil War: North Northern Industry Textiles in the North Hurt by the loss of Southern cotton Other Industry Booms: Clothing, Arms, Supplies

Life During the War Civil War: North Economy & Taxes Needed help paying for the war Union Government Introduces Income Tax 3% - all income over $800.00 As war continued tax increases Union raised tariffs Raised price of foreign goods Help Northern goods – raise price of imported goods

Life During the War Civil War: North Helping the Economy: Bonds Certificate of purchase Worth more at a later date Loaning the government money Union sells billions Citizens encouraged to buy patriotic

Life During the War Civil War: North To increase money in circulation Allow bonds to be bought Legal Tender Act 1862 Treasurer issued paper money Paper - “greenbacks” Single common currency

Life During the War Civil War: North Westward Expansion Homestead Act (1862) Union offered western land cheap To be farmed Pacific Railroad Act Settle railroad issues Allowed companies to build railways Through Union territory

Life During the War Civil War: North 1863: Conscription White males The draft Meet troop demand White males 20-45 Could pay $300.00, to be replaced So laborers and immigrants had to serve Usually earned only $2.00 per day

Life During the War Civil War: North The Draft Causes problems: Workers mad Couldn’t buy their way out Fearful of losing jobs to African Americans Rioted New York Draft Riot of July 1863 Poor white men 4 days Destroy factories, attack African Americans

Life During the War Civil War: North Civil Unrest Along with draft Many people were against the war Called for it to end “Peace Democrats” Called Copperheads Named for southern poisonous snake Demanded an end to the war Generally peaceful, just wanted a stop to fighting

Life During the War Civil War: North Lincoln Suspended Habeas Corpus viewed opposition as a threat to the nation Suspended Habeas Corpus Can’t be held without charge…can now Detained those who were suspected of disloyalty to the Union Those arrested Suspected of: Criticizing the President Causing draft riots

Great Economic Demands Life During the War Civil War: South Great Economic Demands War is expensive Creates strain on economy Lack resources to meet demands Blockade By 1863 - 80% of ports blocked Independent – own farms Tough to travel Tough to move goods

Jefferson Davis (President) Life During the War Civil War: South Jefferson Davis (President) Limited in options for money South's economic prosperity Depended on raw goods: Cotton, tobacco, sugar War reduces value of items Couldn’t take them northward

Life During the War Civil War: South To ease the strain: Southerners: Seized Union goods (even from bodies) Shoes, shirts, weapons Several cities built ironworks Blockade runners Taxes and duties on imports Tough to collect and enforce

Life During the War Civil War: South Money South also produces paper money Value doubted Great inflation Prices soar Inflation combined with a food shortage Lead to riots

Life During the War Civil War: South Southern Leaders Couldn’t get along States generally looked out for themselves Serve only commanders from their state Won’t serve outside state borders Became increasingly tough to unify

Life During the War Life of Soldiers 50% of men in the Union served 80% of men in the Confederacy served

Life During the War Life of Soldiers Travel Many soldiers travel for the first time Men from same town enlisted together Forming units Families, especially in Border States Brothers and relatives fighting for opposite sides

Life During the War Life of Soldiers Death: Powerful new weapons Large wounds Amputation Infection Poor conditions, poor water Infection and disease Kill two times as many soldiers as the battles Prison Camps & Captives: African Americans killed right away Camps over crowded Lack of food, starvation

Life During the War Women and the War New Work Men fighting Women went to work Open the door to closed professions Many took over businesses, farms, plantations

Life During the War Women and the War New Jobs: Teaching After war, most teachers were women Few in battle Some women joined camps to cook and clean African American Women Serve as guides and spies (in South)

Life During the War Women and the War Most notable role Starts slow Nurses Starts slow Small groups of women organize Clara Barton Collects supplies Travels with troops Founds Red Cross Lincoln United State Sanitary Commission Authorized women to oversee hospitals Sanitation Federal responsibility for public health