Identify/define problem What errors by what group(s) in what conditions are we tackling? Junction cluster; route; PTW; pedestrians; cyclists; SVLOC Skidding Is the problem caused by one group but mainly harms another? Monitor outcomes (not outputs) Total flow (reassignment?); Speed profile – peak and offpeak; PTW; Pedestrians (presence; routes; behaviour) Gaps (peds to cross; vehicles to turn) Cyclists (ditto) SVLOC (incidents; evidence of skidding reduced?) Skidding collisions over time Collate results and share! Identify and evaluate options by cost and return Effectiveness, FYRR, target specific users, severity weighting. Are you engineering places or people? What will you monitor? How would you know if it has failed? Junction control; Route signing/marking; Visibility improvements (or reductions?); Ped/cyclist facilities Point signs/lines eg bend (watch for migration) Surfacing (consider whole life risk & cost e.g. HFS vs HRA vs TSC) Do-Plan-Act-Monitor Choose optimum solution & approval/ implement Budget approval Confidence of out-turn – past record of similar (regression to mean; diminishing returns)
Different ways to measure (before and after) Traffic flows by 7-day video, counted offsite and excel sheets supplied (get video as useful resource to observe behaviour, interactions etc) Eye tracking analysis Galvanic skin response; heart rate; blood pressure? (ethics!) Gap analysis/risk audit – what gaps in traffic for children to cross (time to cross; visibility
Confounding factors? Was the outcome the result of what you did? Adverse weather (a few weeks of snow; heavy rain: change presence and behaviour) Network reassignment (did they learn a new route during your roadworks and stayed there; did traffic reassign to easier signalled junction that trickier give-way?) Collision migration (straighten a bend measure locally = net benefit; measure widely, net detriment)
What can’t we measure? Who’s not present (shared space leading elderly/disabled users to stay away) Why people’s behaviour changed (unless survey them, even they may not be aware) (Ref ALR)
Golden Principles: What behaviour By which road users Doing what manoeuvres/routes In what conditions (night; wet; low sun; peak/offpeak) Are you trying to change? How does your planned intervention address this objective? Is ther evidence it’s likely to work (done it before with success) or first principles