COA Parent Meeting Fall 2017 COA Degree Information and transfer of credit to four –year university Agenda CIHS….Defined Degree Info at COA Transfer to 4-year Institution Implications for JPK Students Tonight’s Powerpoint will be posted on JPK Webpage
Department of Public Instruction - CIHS NC Community College System UNC system with 17 schools across the state NC Legislature Department of Public Instruction - CIHS The Journey Basnight
The Challenge for Early College High Schools *Students earn Associate Degree with minimum number of credits *Facilitate the transfer of credits to the 4 year institution *Maximize benefit of transfer credits *Educate students and parents Fallon
Transfer Audit Process Research 4 year institution and degree programs Compare COA transcipt to degree program requirements Examine/Adjust 4-5 year Plan with Guidance as needed Students will work through this process with seminar teacher Fallon
Helpful Online Resources Articulation Agreement UGETC courses ( universal general education transfer course), General Education Courses, Pre-major electives transfer_course_list-feb_21_2014-board_approved.pdf College of the Albemarle – Associate Degree Requirements engineering.pdf This is the UNC System page the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) with the NC Community College System. Helpful Online Resources Boone
Helpful Websites in the Process: This is the UNC System page the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) with the NC Community College System. Students should access the Bachelor Degree Plans (BDPs) (which are located on the bottom of the web page above) as they plan their courses and intended major for transfer. The BDPs map the specific community college courses needed for each major at each institution. Boone
Implications for JP knapp Students Complete only one degree at COA - multiple associate degrees are discouraged/not permittted Take courses at COA that apply toward degree at COA and four year institution For seniors….should I take another course in order to maximize my transfer potential? Fallon/Boone
Transfer max at UNC system schools is 60-64 credits Tuition Surcharge at four year institution - if student earns over 140 credits then student charge is 1.5 times the tuition amount (most degrees are 120-130 credits) Fallon/Boone
Email to set up appointment as needed Questions? Email to set up appointment as needed FYI….All seniors have a senior meeting during the summer prior to their senior year Sue Boone - JPK Guidance Denise Fallon - JPK Asst. Principal Steve Basnight - Principal
Attention Parents: If you are interested in participating on the School Improvement Team please contact Steve Basnight