High School Registration Class of 2022 Grade 9
What should you have? Course Selection Worksheet (Yellow) Fill out your name, ID, and contact information at the top Course Selection Reference Sheet (White) Four Year Plan (optional)
Keller ISD Distinguished Graduation Program - 26 Credits Graduation Plan 9th 10th 11th 12th Keller ISD Distinguished Graduation Program - 26 Credits English - 4 Credits English I English II English III Advanced English Math - 4 Credits Algebra I Geometry Algebra 2 Advanced Math Science - 4 Credits Biology Physical Science IPC, Physics, Chemistry Advanced Science Social Studies - 4 Credits World Geography World History US History Government/ Economics World Languages 2 credits of the same world language Physical Education 1 credit Fine Art 21st Century Skills .5 credit Professional Communications, Entrepreneurship, Problems and Solutions Electives 5.5 credits 26 CREDITS
Endorsement Requirements
STAAR EOC Testing Requirements
Pre-AP and AP Courses These are advanced courses that move at a faster pace. They require more homework, outside reading, & projects. On average, 45 minutes of homework per Pre-AP/AP class is standard They are intended to prepare you for college level classes. There is a ten point weight that is added to your GPA for each class Example: Sally Smith takes Pre-AP English I and makes a 95 for her semester average. 95 shows on Sally’s transcript. Her GPA is calculated with a 105 for this course, due to the 10 point weight. Steve Smith takes regular English I and makes a 95. This grade shows on his transcript and goes into his GPA as a 95. So while both students made the same grade, Sally’s GPA will be higher because of the 10 points added in her GPA Calculation.
Class of 2022 – THAT’s YOU!! GPA and Rank Information Keller ISD approved a new GPA and Rank policy for the Class of 2022. The GPA and Rank for the Class of 2022 will include: Ranking of the Top 10%. All state courses go into ranking Final Ranking will occur at the end of the 1st semester of the senior year. Courses taken for high school credit in middle school are on the transcript, but are not calculated in the GPA Graduated Course Grading System. Academic level courses will have a maximum GPA of 4.0 Pre-AP and Dual Credit courses will have a maximum GPA of 4.5 AP courses will have a maximum GPA of 5.0
I want to change my endorsement… what do I do? For today, you will continue with the plan you have already been given. You will fill out the CHANGE ENDORSEMENT LIST FORM before you leave today (hot pink paper). We will print out a new four year plan for you and send it to your advisory teacher. You will keep your current four year plan until you receive a new one.
Let’s take a look at your classes for next year!!! Get your white and yellow forms ready!
FRHS Counselors CIRCLE your counselor A - Bl - Heather Alexander Bo - Fo - Cara Britton Fr - Lau – Elizabeth Wright Law - Oro – Jill Brown Ort - Sha – Christina Salcido She - Z – Doug Crosthwait Intervention Counselor - Mariah Snapp
ENGLISH THINK ABOUT: Pre-AP or On Level 9th ENGLISH I OR Pre-AP English I THINK ABOUT: Pre-AP or On Level
MATH – Where do you fit? 8th 9th 8th 9th 8th grade Math Algebra I OR Algebra I Pre-AP Geometry Pre-AP OR Geometry 8th 9th 8th grade Math Algebra I OR Algebra I Pre-AP
SOCIAL STUDIES 9th THINK ABOUT: Regular, Pre-AP, or College Level World Geography Pre-AP AP Human Geography THINK ABOUT: Regular, Pre-AP, or College Level
OTHER REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENT COURSES CREDIT World Language ASL, French, German, Latin, Spanish 2 credits of the same Physical Education PE, Athletics, Adventures in Outdoor, 1 PE Substitution for Band, Cheer, Drill Team 1 credit 21st Century Skills Professional Communications .5 credit Fine Art Art, Choir, Band, Theatre, Dance Electives: What pathway are you on? *Check prerequisites when signing up 5.5 credits
PE CREDIT Individual Team Sports- regular PE Adventures in Outdoor Education Partner PE Drill Team Dance I Cheer ROTC Sports Team Band I and II will give you a 1.0 credit PE Waiver.
SPORTS You will be required to try out for these teams. DOUBLE BLOCK SPORTS SINGLE BLOCK SPORTS 9th grade Football 9th grade Volleyball 9th grade Basketball 9th grade Soccer 9th grade Softball 9th grade Baseball These take up 2 periods in your schedule Track Cross Country Swimming Wrestling Golf Tennis These take up 1 period in your schedule
FINE ARTS Options Choir I Dance I Drill Team I Band I Art I Theatre I Technical Theatre I
ALTERNATES Alternates are ELECTIVE class options you are willing to take if your original elective class does not work in your schedule. 4 credits worth of alternates is recommended If you do not choose alternates, we will choose for you based on space and availability
What do I do with All these papers?
Four Year Plan They will NEVER leave your advisory teacher. Write your advisory teacher’s name at the top right now!
Course Selection Reference Sheet (white paper) This is yours to keep! You may write your selections on the back of this paper. Write “Mine” at the top.
Course Selection worksheet (Yellow Paper) This will be turned in to your counselors on the week of January 29!!! 12 DAYS AWAY! Include COURSE NAME AND COURSE NUMBERS!!! You need to register for 8 periods worth of courses, and 4 credit worth of alternates. Double check that form is complete! This is your first communication with your high school counselor.
Thank you!