Course Selection 2018-2019
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Lines 1 – 4: Required Core Subjects Required for graduation: 4 Years of English (English I, English II, English III plus 1 Advanced English course) 4 Years of Social Studies (World Geography, World History, US History, Government and Economics with AP Human Geography as an option) 4 Years of Math (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and at least 1 advanced Math depending on current math level) 4 Years of Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics are required plus other science options) Stratford High School -8 courses instead of 7 courses—change this slide to reflect correct number.
English English I GL English I PAP
Language Arts Course of Studies Grade Level Pre-AP / AP English I EL112A / EL112B Pre-AP English I EL111A / EL111B
English I GL (EL112) PAP (EL111)
Social Studies World Geography GL World Geography PAP AP Human Geography *World History AP offered at MHS,SHS, SWHS and WAIS
History Course of Studies Grade Level Pre-AP AP World Geography SS132A / SS132B World Geography Pre-AP SS131A / SS131B AP Human Geography SS139A / SS139B
World Geography GL (SS132) PAP (SS131) AP Human Geography AP (SS139)
Math Algebra I GL or Pre-AP Geometry GL or Pre-AP Algebra 2 GL or Pre-AP
Mathematics Course of Studies Grade Level Pre-AP Algebra I MT212A / MT212B Algebra I Pre-AP MT211A / MT211B Geometry MT312A / MT312B Pre-AP Geometry MT311A / MT311B Algebra II MT232A / MT232B Algebra II Pre-AP MT231A / MT231B
Algebra I GL (MT212) PAP (MT211) Geometry GL (MT312) PAP (MT311) Algebra II PAP/GT (MT231)
Science Integrated Physics and Chemistry known as IPC GL For students struggling in math Mandatory if you fail Math STAAR Biology GL or Pre-AP
Science Course of Studies Grade Level Pre-AP IPC SC112A / SC112B None in IPC Biology I SC122A / SC122B Biology I Pre-AP SC121A / SC121B
Biology GL (SC122) PAP (SC121) or Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) GL (SC112) (recommended with Algebra I GL)
Enter Your Electives: Lines 5-8 Required for graduation: Languages other than English: 2 years of the same language required to graduate Spanish, German, French, ASL, (Computer Science 1 & 2) 1 year of P.E. required (4 credits of P.E. can count towards the 26 credits you need to graduate) Athletics, Band, Dance, Team Sports, PE Tennis, Individual Sports (Spin Fit) 1 year of Fine Arts required (Band, Choir, Orchestra, Dance, Theater, Tech. Theater) Endorsement Electives: See Course Catalogue Stratford High School -8 courses instead of 7 courses—change this slide to reflect correct number.
Physical Education (PE) Course Course Number Team Sports HPE 141 / HPE 142 Individual Sports (Spin Fit) HPE131 / HPE132 Dance (Can count as either a PE or a Fine Art) PDNC1A / PDNC1B (PE Credit Class) Tennis (PE) PTN99A / PTN99B Aerobics HPE151 / HPE152 Adventure/Outdoor Education HPE161 / HPE162
Athletics Sport Boys Girls Football PB105A/B & HP110A/B Volleyball PB112/B & HP111A/B Basketball PB1B2A/B & HP110A/B PB1G2A/B & HP111A/B Cross Country PB103A/B & HP110A/B PB103A/B & HP111A/B Track PB111A/B & HP110A/B PB111A/B & HP111A/B Swimming PB109A/B & HP110A/B PB109A/B & HP111A/B Diving PB104A/B & HP110A/B PB104A/B & HP111A/B Golf PB106A/B & HP110A/B PB106A/B & HP111A/B Soccer PB1B7A/B & HP110A/B PB1G7A/B & HP111A/B Tennis PB110A/B Softball PB108A/B & HP111A/B
Fine Arts / Music / Theater Discipline Course Number Band 9 VBNI9A / VBNI9B Choir 9 VCXI9A / VCXI9B Orchestra 9 VORI9A / VORI9AB Theater Arts I PA611A / PA611B Tech Theater I PA621A / PA621B Art I FA112A / FA112B Art II Drawing (Art I prerequisite) FA123A / FA123B Art II Photography FA127A / FA127B
Local Credits / Electives– What’s New? Local Credits / Electives– Check out the Course Catalogue on the Stratford Home Pages for Descriptions; Guthrie Center Handout; SHS Electives Handout Anything beyond 2 or 3 credits of a foreign language counts as an academic elective. Inform students of the course options available at their campus.
FINE ARTS Art 1: FA112A/B Art 2 Drawing Pre-AP: FA121A/B (Art I Pre-requisite) Art 2 Photography: FA127A/B (Art I Pre-requisite) Band: VBN09A/B (FA) VBNS9A (PE) (Need Both #’s) Choir: VCXI9A/B Orchestra: VORI9A/B Color Guard: PCLG9A/B (Director Approval) Theater Arts 1: PA611A/B Theatre Tech I: PA621A/B
Computer Science 1: TA312A/B French 1: FL212A/B French 2: FL222A/B FOREIGN LANGUAGE American Sign Language 1: FL012A/B Computer Science 1: TA312A/B French 1: FL212A/B French 2: FL222A/B German 1: FL312A/B Spanish 1: FL112A/B Spanish 2 FL122A/B Spanish 3 FL132A/B Spanish 3: PAP FL131A/B Spanish IV: AP FL149A/B Spanish for Native Speakers I: FLA172 (fall) Spanish for Native Speakers II: FLA182 (spring) (enter both numbers)
(Concurrent enrollment in Geometry required) CAREER Introduction to Engineering Design: CST51A/B (Concurrent enrollment in Geometry required) *Lifetime Nutrition & Wellness CTHU13 Medical Terminology CHS11A/B **Principles of Business Marketing & Finance: CBM11A/B Principles of Hospitality & Tourism CHT10A/B Principles of Human Services CHU10A/B *Sports Marketing CTMK15 * One semester course only
*Communication Applications (Speech): ELA512 Debate 1: EL552A/B SPEECH & DEBATE *Communication Applications (Speech): ELA512 Debate 1: EL552A/B TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS **Business Information Management 1: CBM12A/B Web Design: TA632A/B Computer Science 1: TA312A/B Digital Design and Media Production TA506A/B Digital Communications in the 21st Century TA109A/B * One semester course only
DANCE (can count as PE or Fine Arts) Dance (Pre-Drill) (T) PDNC1A / PDNC1B PHYSICAL EDUCATION *Individual Sports (Spin Fit) HPE131 / HPE132 *Team Sports (Regular P.E.) 1 HPE141 / HPE142 *Tennis Class PTN99A / PTN99B *Aerobics HPE151 / HPE152 * One semester course – can take both semesters
Basketball Boys (T) PB1B2A/B & HP110A/B ATHLETICS Basketball Boys (T) PB1B2A/B & HP110A/B Cross Country Boys (T) PB103A/B & HP110A/B Football (Boys) PB105A/B & HP110A/B Soccer Boys (T) PB1B7A/B & HP110A/B Track Boys (T) PB511A/B & HP110A/B Swimming Boys (T) PB109A/B & HP110A/B Golf Boys (T) PB106A/B & HP110A/B Diving Boys (T) PB104A/B & HP110A/B Tennis Boys (T) PB110A/B Basketball Girls (T) PB1G2A/B & HP111A/B Cross Country Girls (T) PB103A/B & HP111A/B Soccer Girls (T) PB1G7A/B & HP111A/B Track Girls (T) PB111A/B & HP111A/B Volleyball Girls (T) PB112A/B & HP111A/B Softball Girls (T) PB108A/B & HP111A/B Swimming Boys (T) PB109A/B & HP111A/B Golf Girls (T) PB106A/B & HP111A/B Diving Girls (T) PB104A/B & HP111A/B Tennis Girls (T) PB110A/B Freshman may try out for baseball in the spring. Practice for baseball is after school only.
LANGUAGE ARTS Journalism I: EL322A/B (prerequisite for Yearbook and Newspaper) *Photojournalism: ELA302 (Semester class only) Photojournalism: EL302A/B (Year long course) MISCELLANEOUS *Study Hall Semester 1 ADS13A *Study Hall Semester 2 ADS13B * One semester course only
Complete your Course Selection Worksheet. Include course #’s in lines 5-8.
5 (Fine Arts Requirement Recommended or Elective) 6 (Foreign Language if needed or Elective) 7 (Physical Education or Athletics) 8 (Elective or Local Athletics Number)