a)Statistically significant difference (P<0.05). Figure 4.Comparison between buccal bone and gingival thicknesses according to tooth types. There was a significant difference among tooth types for G0, G1, and A5. CI, central incisor; LI, lateral incisor; CA, canine; G0, gingival thickness at alveolar crest line; G1, gingival thickness at 1 mm inferior to the alveolar crest; A5, buccal bone thickness at 5 mm inferior to the alveolar crest. a)Statistically significant difference (P<0.05). Figure 4.Comparison between buccal bone and gingival thicknesses according to tooth types. There was a significant difference among tooth types for G0, G1, and A5. CI, central incisor; LI, lateral incisor; CA, canine; G0, gingival thickness at alveolar crest line; G1, gingival thickness at 1 mm . . . J Periodontal Implant Sci. 2016 Dec;46(6):372-381. https://doi.org/10.5051/jpis.2016.46.6.372