Foreign policy U3/3
Foreign and domestic policy The state as a social institution operates in two environments: internal and external The state attempts constantly to intervene in both environments using domestic and foreign policy. Foreign policy is used as a foundation for the state to interact with other states.
Foreign policy Its argued that foreign policy reflects range of choices that states use in pursuing their national interests: National interest is considered the basis for government actions National interest is considered as a primary factors for state to engage into foreign affairs National interest is considered to be valued by leaders and the people
Difference between Domestic and foreign policy In domestic policy the state is capable to decide on the course of action and has authority to implement it. In foreign policy the state is capable to decide on course of action but does not have authority to implement its decision (Why?)
How is foreign policy is made? In this case we wish to have a general view on how foreign policies are made. Allison (1971) and Zelikow (1999) provide three models of decision-making: Rational Actor model (RAM)- foreign poilcy decisions are assumed to be rational responses to a particular situation
How is foreign policy made? Organisational process model – assumes that decisions are made by multiple organisation within the state based on org routine and standard operational procedures (SOP) Bureaucratic Politics model – stressing the extend to which political factors on external issue may affect decision-making
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