Finish Commitment Prayer Resource For Unreached Peoples NO 35 Church of God World Missions/Church of God Prayer Ministries –
The Mandate: “I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Rev. 1:10). Church of God World Missions/Church of God Prayer Ministries –
The Meditation: PASTOR: Christ himself appeared to John. A voice spoke like a trumpet. From between the blazing candlesticks he heard, “I am Alpha and Omega.” In the next few days, revelation would pour forth. John gave us a view of the triumphant lamb. PEOPLE: I can hardly imagine how John felt. The boat dumped him on that island and sailed away. Since he had met you, his life had been an amazing ride. You were not ready for him to retire. Heaven would open. Through him, the final revelation would come to the church. PASTOR: Just when we think you are finished with us, you may be preparing us for our greatest work. When others have written us off, some among us may be approaching their finest hour. PEOPLE: When the powers that be render us powerless, you may give our most powerful insights. May we refuse to despair. Refuse to allow someone or something to “end our ministry.” You can use anyone, anywhere, anytime who is ready to yield to you. Lord, let me live fully every day, until I live my very last day, always available to you! Church of God World Missions/Church of God Prayer Ministries –
The Profile … The Kanjar have been called the “most despicable” of all the people in India. The Kanjars earned their poor reputation by prostituting their women and enga ging in a variety of other illegal and illicit activities. They have earned a bad reputation in God’s eyes by choosing to worship Bhavani and the goddess Prabha. They also invoke the powers of a “protector-exorcist” known as Syaanaa to keep evil spirits at bay, and regularly pay homage to their ancestors through prayer and the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The Unreached People Group Kanjar of India Church of God World Missions/Church of God Prayer Ministries –
Prayer … Pray that missionaries can break these labels and Kanjars to realize their true identity in Christ. Ask the Lord to save key leaders among the Kanjar who will boldly declare the Gospel. Despite these behaviors, God loves the Kanjar people. He sent His only Son so that they could believe in Him and have everlasting Life. Pray that the Kanjars will hear this good news. Ask the Lord to send laborers to India to share the hope, peace, and love of Jesus Christ with the Kanjar. The Unreached People Group Kanjar of India Church of God World Missions/Church of God Prayer Ministries –
MISSION QUOTE: What’s your dream and to what corner of the missions world will it take you? Eleanor Roat The Unreached People Group Kanjar of India Church of God World Missions/Church of God Prayer Ministries – | Finish Commitment Prayer Resource For Unreached Peoples (NO 35) Produced by Church of God Prayer Ministries In conjunction with Church of God World Missions – the Finish Challenge | Church of God World Missions/Church of God Prayer Ministries –