IFO-MinnState Tentative Settlement 2017-2019 Information Presentation Oscar Flores Bargaining Team member Minnesota State University Moorhead January 2018
Ratification process This settlement will not become effective until and unless IFO membership vote to ratify MinnState Board of Trustees ratify Minnesota Legislature approves
Economics: Salaries Fall 2017 Fall 2018 Each step on the salary scheduled is enhanced 1.6%. Retroactive to Fall all faculty will see a 1.6% pay enhancement Fall 2018 Each step on the salary schedule is enhanced another 2.4%.
Economics: Salaries Career Steps—2 steps salary increase Currently On years 11, 21, and 31 Effective Fall 2018 On years 11, 18, and 26
Economics: Estimating your pay Fall 2017 1. Find your current salary step For example Professor salary step 11, $65,128 2. Add 1.6% to your current step Step 11 is now $66,170 3. You should receive retroactive pay to Fall 2017 You should receive retroactive pay on any overload and (or) extra duty days worked as well This applies even if 2017-2018 is your first year Minimum adjunct pay increases to $1, 449
Economics: Estimating your pay Fall 2018 Stay in you current step which is enhanced 2.4% with respect to 2017 For example Professor salary step 11, $67,758 Minimum adjunct pay increases to $1, 484
Economics: Estimating your pay Promotions To the prior adjustments add two salary steps--an additional 4.8% pay increase. For example if promoted effective Fall 2017, and you were in salary step 11 now move to step 13, $69, 381. Then in Fall 2018, step 13 is enhanced 2.4% to $71,046 If after adding the two steps for promotion, your salary is below the minimum step for your new rank, then you move to the minimum step for your new rank. Career Steps Fall 2017: If you are starting your 11th, 21st, or 31st year of service, add two steps. Fall 2018: If you are starting your 11th, 18th, or 26th year of service, add two steps. Promotions and Career Steps Add 4 steps.
Economics: Faculty Development and other changes effective Fall 2018 Professional Improvement Funds Increase in 19A by $120,000 to $520,000 Established a fund for PIF for adjuncts Increased PIF for community faculty at Metro Professional Study and Travel Funds Increase 19B funds to non-adjunct faculty by $70 to $1450 Health and Dental Insurance per Coalition Bargaining
Some Language Changes Maximum workload for adjuncts to 12 credits per academic year. Salary equity written notification of review due to promotion and terminal degree completion. Parental Leave. Clarification of who is eligible and that sick leave is not required to be used for parental leave. Intermittent used permitted with agreement of surpevisor.
Some Language Changes Effective Fall 2018, program and department modification should be done by February 1st. Clarifying language in Professional Development reports Appendix G. Clarifying language in different criteria. For example, in Criterion 2, adds that playbooks or coaching manuals should count. In Criterion 4, assisting in the scholarly work of students should count.
The complete value of a union What is not included in our contract Examples MinnState proposed Use of adjuncts at the discretion of the president New class of professors with higher load and who could not obtain tenure Eliminate Duty Day and use Duty Year