Canyons Golf Hole 12 Comfort Station Special Exception Public Hearing Possible Action – Summit County Council May 11, 2016
Project Description Project Name: Canyons Golf Course Hole 12 Comfort Station Applicant(s): Spencer White, Replay Resorts Property Owner(s): Canyons Golf Club, LLC Location: 1963 West Frostwood Blvd, Canyons Village Zone District: Specially Planned Area (SPA) Parcel Number and Size: EWD-EWD1, 3.16 acres Final Land Use Authority: Summit County Council
Land use and zoning
Proposal Site Plan Structure
Hole Layout Hole 11 Hole 17 Hole 12 Hole 16 Proposed comfort station
Code Criteria Standard 1: The special exception is not detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare; Standard 2: The intent of the development code and general plan will be met; Standard 3: The applicant does not reasonably qualify for any other equitable processes provided through the provisions of the Code; Standard 4: There are equitable claims or unique circumstances warranting the special exception;
Recommendation Staff recommends that the SCC vote to approve a Special Exception to allow the construction of a restroom within 70 feet of Willow Creek, based on the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and with the following Conditions of Approval:
Conditions The comfort station shall not exceed 170 square feet and shall be located per the approved site plan. A certificate of survey must be submitted at footing inspection to verify the location of the structure is meeting the approved setbacks. The applicant must comply with all other requirements of the Low Impact Permit. All service provider conditions shall be met prior to issuance of any permit for the comfort station. 4. All necessary permits shall be obtained from the Summit County Engineering Department and Summit County Building department prior to commencement of any construction on site.