Presentation to Parents and Students: Thursday January 18th 2018 Key Stage 4 Options 2018 Presentation to Parents and Students: Thursday January 18th 2018
Objectives for this Evening What does KS4 look like? How to apply? How will pupils and parents be helped to make option choices? What are the key dates in the process?
Are Y8’s ready for Options?
How do we choose a subject?
DT: Food and RM/Graphics Top 20% of pupils getting 7+ GCSE Reform 2017 2018 2019 English All the rest except . . . Class Civ DT: Food and RM/Graphics Maths Sociology GCSE Attainment GCSE Grades GCSE Points A* 9 8 A 7 B+ 6 C+/B- 5 C- 4 D 3 E 2 F 1 G Y8 take GCSE’s in 2021 Top 20% of pupils getting 7+ 2020 Reform Complete! The new “strong pass” Outlining the changes being made to GCSEs over the next few years: The new “standard pass”
Curriculum and School Accountability Attainment 8 Progress 8 (from KS2 to KS4) 5+ in En/Ma % taking EBacc Average point score across the Ebacc Pupil destinations post-16 EBACC 2 subjects EBACC 3 subjects OTHERS 3 subjects English (Lit or Lang) Maths Other GCSEs Other eligible qualifications 2nd/3rdScience English Lit or Lang History; Geography Languages Sciences / Computing Schools are being strongly encouraged to offer a curriculum built around 8 subjects Wymondham High students take 9 or 10 GCSEs
KS4 “Core” Subjects English 1 GCSE English Literature 1 GCSE Maths 1 GCSE Science 2 or 3 GCSEs Comms (Citizenship) (non-exam) PE (non-exam) RE (non-exam)
Maths; English; MFL are already taught in R and S Delivering the Core 30 out of 50 periods Y9: Sc 6 ppf; Re 2ppf; Cz 2ppf Y10+11: Sc 10ppf; Re/Cm “drop-downs” 9R (5 sets) and 9S (5 sets) Maths; English; MFL are already taught in R and S
Core Option: Languages French German Spanish We have already made this choice. That’s why there’s no MFL column on the form! or Curriculum Access (by invitation in Year 10) DfE Guidance: 95% pupils do a Language
Other eligible qualifications Core Option 1: IT GCSE Computing BTEC ICT OTHERS 3 subjects EBACC 3 subjects Other GCSEs Other eligible qualifications 2nd/3rdScience English Lit or Lang History; Geography Languages Sciences / Computing or
Core Option 2: Humanities Geography History EBACC 3 subjects
2 Open Options Art History Photography Geography Art Textiles Drama Music Food DT(RM or Graphics) GCSE PE History Geography Class Civ RE Sociology Business Studies (new) Film Studies (new)
A Broad and Balanced Choice Option1: Language Option 2: Computing / CiDA IT Option 3: Language Option 4: Arts / Technology / PE Option 5: “Open” Keeps your post-16 options open Favoured by Higher Education Consistent with national context
Completing the Form Student Name and Form Pupil and Parent Signatures Choose 1 Subject from each Pool (Also pick Reserve(s) just in case!) Pupil and Parent Signatures
Fred Bloggs A1 ICT Geog Hist Art Food Computing Film Graphics Drama RM
Fred Bloggs A1 ICT Hist Film Film Computing Music Music Graphics RPE Subjects can’t move blocks! You can’t do it twice! ICT Hist Film Film Computing Music Music Graphics You must be okay with all your choices! RPE RM
? Fred Bloggs A1 ICT Geog Hist Bus St PE Computing PE Bus St Drama ? You can do this, but . . . ICT Geog Hist Bus St PE Computing PE Bus St Drama ? ? RM
What happens if a subject is full? Any “late applicants” are discounted Reserve subject choices Attitude to Learning for Y7 and Y8: “Usually” / “Always” Discussions with pupils and parents
Helping You Choose Year 8 Profiles: Already published Thurs 18th Jan: Launch Evening Wed 24th Jan: Parents Evening 8T & 8Y Thurs 1st Feb: Parents Evening 8W This Half Term: Subject information in lessons Individual meetings with Mrs Sharpe Support from Form Tutors
Keeping in Touch News / Reminders from us Parent Mail / Letter Website: Getting in touch E-mail:
the Principal’s PA’s Office DEADLINE DAY All Application Forms to Mrs Sharp in the Principal’s PA’s Office by Monday 19th February 3.00pm