Benefit Enrollment Processing
SunPac Import / Export Menu The good news: We’re not going to look at all 48 options on this menu The bad news: We are going to take a look at about 15 of them
The Exports Each of the export options generally fall into one of three categories: Send Us Everybody - The provider wants demographic information on all of your active employees. This helps to expedite the enrollment process. No deduction information is included. Send Us Your Enrolled Only - The provider wants a list of employees that were enrolled in their plans as of a certain date. SunPac uses Earnings History for this purpose. These exports may or may not include dollar amounts. Monthly Activity Recap - These exports include only the employees that were enrolled during a specific date range. These exports include dollar amounts and are usually created at the end of each pay cycle.
Selecting Deductions For Export Generally there are two ways in which you can indicate which deductions are associated with a specific vendor: By Plan Manager and/or Plan Provider By a user-defined fields 1-8
Selecting Deductions For Export Generally there are two ways in which you can indicate which deductions are associated with a specific vendor: By Plan Manager and/or Plan Provider By a user-defined fields 1-8
‘Send Us Everybody ’ Export: #6 PlanWithEase Export Last Updated: 2/2012 Number of Users: 9 *This export also provides an option to only send enrolled employees.
‘Send Us Everybody’ Export: #25 Hersey Co. Export Last Updated: 5/2005 Number of Users: 2
‘Send Us Everybody’ Export: #30 Mark III Employee Census Export Last Updated: 4/2017 Number of Users: 2
‘Send Us Everybody’ Export: #31Deduction Export Last Updated: 8/2009 Number of Users: ??? I’m not sure how much this option is used, but it could be a handy tool if you need to import employee enrollment info into spreadsheet. Have any suggestions for additional selection criteria?
‘Send Us Everybody’ Export: #31Deduction Export Last Updated: 8/2009 Number of Users: All Have any suggestions for additional information?
‘Send Us Everybody’ Export: #9 Benefitfocus Export Last Updated: 10/2017 Number of Users: 12
#9 Benefitfocus Export – Recent Changes Additional Status Codes have been added at Benefitfocus’ request. We been working with Benefitfocus and Durham Co. to improve the accuracy of the information exchanged in the file. We talk more about BenefitFocus towards the end of this presentation.
#9 Benefitfocus Export – Recent Changes Additional logic was added to support semi-monthly paid positions. ‘Months’ always comes from the Assignment Recap screen. You’ll have the option of using Months Employed or Months Paid. ‘Pay Frequency’ comes from the employee’s primary assignment. We been working with Benefitfocus and Durham Co. to improve the accuracy of the information exchanged in the file. We talk more about BenefitFocus towards the end of this presentation.
#9 Benefitfocus Export – Recent Changes We been working with Benefitfocus and Durham Co. to improve the accuracy of the information exchanged in the file. We talk more about BenefitFocus towards the end of this presentation.
‘Send Us Your Enrolled-Only’ Export: #23 Wellington Benefits Export Last Updated: 7/2014 Number of Users: 6
‘Send Us Your Enrolled-Only’ Export: #27 Pierce Group Benefits Export Last Updated: 9/2015 Number of Users: 31
‘Send Us Your Enrolled-Only’ Export: #29 Mark III Deduction Export Last Updated: 8/2015 Number of Users: 4
‘Monthly Activity Recap’ Export: #7 PennServ Export Last Updated: 3/2010 Number of Users: 2 This option can also serve as a ‘Send All’ export
‘Monthly Activity Recap’ Export: #7 TSA-EPARS Export Last Updated: 10/2013 Number of Users: 13
‘Monthly Recap’ Export: #8 TSA Demographic Export Last Updated: 5/2017 Number of Users: 11 What’s the difference between the two TSA programs?
‘Monthly Recap’ Export: #11Credit Union Export Last Updated: 11/2011 Number of Users: 38
‘Monthly Activity Recap’ Export: #16 ING Benefits Export Last Updated: 1/2010 Number of Users: 8 ?
The Imports The following imports each have their own unique file formats, but use a common set business rules to update your employee master. Benefitfocus Mark III Pierce Group Wellington Benefits (Generic) Deduction Import
#8 Benefitfocus Import Last Updated: 6/2017 Number of Users: 11
#22 Wellington Benefits Import Last Updated: 6/2017 Number of Users: 6
#26 Pierce Group Import Last Updated: 6/2017 Number of Users: 31
#28 Mark III Benefits Import Last Updated: 6/2017 Number of Users: 4
#32 (Generic) Deduction Import Last Updated: 7/2017 Number of Users: All This option allows the import of deduction information from your own custom spreadsheet. Use an action code of “R” to remove a existing deduction. Save your option cards so you don’t have to remember how to set up future imports. Always run in trial mode first!
What Info Can The Imports Provide?
What Does ‘Half’ Mean? Some benefit providers (such as Benefitfocus) can only provide deduction amounts in monthly equivalents. So what happens when a deduction is to be taken out semi-monthly? By setting the deduction’s U/D 5 value to “HALF”, the deduction imports will know to set the deduction amount to 50% of the amount reported by the provider.
#10 Credit Union Import Last Updated: 11/2011 Number of Users: 38 This import will only process a single deduction code at a time. This import will not remove deductions. It can only add new or change existing deductions. The import file name is ‘calculated’ by using the option card’s department value plus other hard-coded values. Example: PAYD.DEPT123.BILLING.TXT
Useful Utilities #29 Remove Deduction Codes Several of the benefits imports are unable to remove deductions that have expired or are nolonger desired by the employee. Assuming that your provider is giving you file will contains all enrolled employees, you my want to use the following utility to clear out all of the deductions associated with the vendor BEFORE do the import. Always run in Trial Mode first!
Useful Utilities #21 Rename Deduction Codes Sometimes your old naming conventions just no longer make sense. Use this utility to clean up your deduction code names.
Useful Utilities #22 Resequence Deduction Codes After you’ve imported, it may be useful to resequence each employees deduction codes.
Useful Utilities #35 Change Policy# Are you keeping track of policy# for your employees? Did you even know your could? Employee Maintenance, F7=Deductions, F16=Change View
Useful Utilities #35 Change Policy# Use this option to quickly enter policy numbers.
Useful Utilities #55 Adjust Deduction Amounts If specific deduction amounts cannot be updated via an import and if the deduction amount is not table driven, this utility may be a real time-saver.