The Disciples’ Dispute (Luke 22:24-30) I. “A Dispute Among Them” (vs. 24). filoneikÛa “love of strife” (LS 760). A. Blessed are the peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). B. Pursue Peace with All People (Hebrews 12:14). C. Live Peaceably with All Men (Romans 12:18).
The Disciples’ Dispute (Luke 22:24-30) II. “Considered the Greatest” (vs. 24). A. John the Baptist & Greatness (Matthew 11:11). B. Names Written in Heaven (Luke 10:17-20).
The Disciples’ Dispute (Luke 22:24-30) III. “Benefactors” (vs. 25). Lit. “good-workers” Acts 4:9 Acts 10:38 I Tim. 6:2 Matthew 23:7
The Disciples’ Dispute (Luke 22:24-30) IV. “Not So Among You” (vs. 26). A. “As the Younger” (vs. 26). 1. Not Immature (Heb. 5:13, 14). 2. With Humility (I Pet. 5:5). B. “Who Governs” (vs. 26). 1. Those Who “Rule” (Heb. 13:17). 2. Servants not Lords (I Pet. 5:3).
The Disciples’ Dispute (Luke 22:24-30) V. “He Who Sits At the Table, Or He Who Serves” (vs. 27). A. Jesus Washes Disciples Feet (John 13:3-5). B. Explanation (John 13:12-17).
The Disciples’ Dispute (Luke 22:24-30) VI. “You Have Continued With Me in My Trials” (vs. 28). I Peter 4:12,13
The Disciples’ Dispute (Luke 22:24-30) VII. “Bestow Upon You A Kingdom” (vs. 29). A. Eat & Drink at My Table (Matt. 26:29; I Cor. 10:16; Rev. 19:9). B. Judge on Thrones (Matt 19:27-30). “Inspired preaching of the apostles presented the conditions of pardon under the New Covenant…”
The Disciples’ Dispute (Luke 22:24-30) VII. “Bestow Upon You A Kingdom” (vs. 29). A. Eat & Drink at My Table (Matt. 26:29; I Cor. 10:16; Rev. 19:9). B. Judge on Thrones (Matt 19:27-30). The true Israel obeys this doctrine “The apostles ever now judge the church” B.W. Johnson on Matt. 19:28