Farewell Discourse: “Before I Go”


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Presentation transcript:

Farewell Discourse: “Before I Go” John 13-16

Jesus’ Ministry to His Disciples This section of John’s gospel focuses on Jesus’ private time with his disciples before his departure. His public ministry is over. Jesus wants his disciples to know some key thoughts before He leaves them. The first of these are found in the washing of the disciples’ feet (John 13). “Serve and love one another.” (vv. 12-15, 33-34) Washing their feet highlights the effect of the cross: Jesus’ actions will cleanse them.

What About Judas? Throughout this scene, Jesus does everything to reach out to him. Jesus washes Judas’ feet; seated Judas in the place of honor, next to Jesus. Gave him the first piece of bread, an honor bestowed upon a guest at the feast (13:26). “Satan entered Judas”—Judas gave himself to his temptation; he knew now was the time. Judas left into the “night” (13:30)

Preparing a Place (14:1-2) Jesus announced his departure and that the disciples could not go with Him (13:33-38). Jesus seeks to comfort his disciples before He leaves them: 7 key statements: 1. “Don’t be troubled”—it will be okay. 2. “I’m going to prepare a place for you in the Father’s House” 3. “I will return for you later.” 4. “You will be with me.”

The Coming of the Spirit 5. “I am going to send the Spirit to be with you” (14:15-24). The Spirit is known here as the “Comforter.” This term is known as the “Paraclete.” It means “to call to one’s side”; it is a legal term. It can be translated as “advocate,” “helper,” “counselor.” The Spirit will be in them (v. 17). Jesus has been with them, but the Spirit will live in them.

Remain in the Vine (John 15) 6. In addition to the things Jesus has already told them, he wants them to live in Him. “I AM the True Vine”—Jesus claims to be that which all else depends for life. If the branches remain in the vine, they will bear fruit—have qualities of God in their lives. A. Stay in the word (v. 7). B. Pray (v. 7). C. Remain in love (v. 9).

Peace in This World (16:33) The farewell discourse is intended to do two things: comfort and strengthen the disciples. Through the troubles the world brings, Jesus promises us we can have peace in Him. See again 14:27 7. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”