Self Defense/ Situational Awareness Empowering yourself to anticipate, avoid and when necessary confront an attack with powerful effective techniques. Utilizing your instinct and intuition as valuable self defense tools. You have the right and the power to effectively defend yourself.!
Why Me? Hairstyle- Ponytails, buns, braids and other long styles that can be easily grabbed. Clothing- Clothing that is easily removed, many attackers carry scissors for this purpose. Distractions- Talking on cell phones, walking with head down or loading the car that distract you from your surroundings.
Scary Places? Number 1- Grocery Store parking lots. Number 2- Office parking lot/garages. Number 3- Public Restrooms.
WHAT YOU CAN DO… Stay Alert…Active Awareness is key and trusting your instincts and intuition. Anticipate and Avoid Danger Areas- take the long way around and areas that have good lighting. If attacked… scream and shout for help, make as big a scene as possible. Know vulnerable targets… Hit ‘em where it Hurts!!! Bash and Dash…Do enough to disable the attacker and get out there FAST!!
Self Defense Technique Practice Makes Perfect…Follow Through Qualified Instruction…Local Law Enforcement and Rape Crisis Centers Improvised Weapons vs. Real Weapons
Follow Through… Being able to defend yourself takes Practice & Patience. There is no perfect defense against attack…Just React and FIGHT BACK!!! Seek out qualified instruction i.e. Local Law Enforcement and Rape Crisis Centers.
Yes or No? Pepper Spray or Mace? Stun Gun or Taser? Gun? Does Self Defense Training Work? Can I really defend myself?