Welcome to Spanish Class! ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español! Scroll through the slides to see what it’s all about!
SPANISH I 2017-2018 Señora Quinlan quinlan@maryvaleufsd.org course goals Students will gain confidence as they explore how to become listeners, speakers, readers, and writers of Spanish. Students will develop an understanding of Hispanic cultures. Students will obtain a solid foundation for upper level Spanish classes. course description Spanish I at the middle school is the first year of a two year sequence. Students will develop skills to listen, speak, read, and write in Spanish. Grammar and vocabulary will be explored as communication components of the curriculum. Students explore the culture of the Hispanic world and the influence it has on our own culture including language, food, and entertainment.
how are we learning? Independent: silent, stay on task, raise hand for help. Partners: take turns, 6-inch voice, hold each other accountable, eye contact, one partner talks, and the other listens. Teams: 12-inch voices, make sure every team member has a chance to speak, respect one another’s ideas, work together! Do your part. Whole Class: participate in discussion-share your ideas! LISTEN to others. Look at the person who is speaking. To speak, please raise your hand, wait until your stick is picked, or I say, “Everybody answer!”
Greetings, Colors, Numbers Education Personal Identification TOPICS Greetings, Colors, Numbers Education Personal Identification Physical Environment/Geography Sports and Leisure Family Life Meal Taking, Food, and Drink
Instructional philosophy Students must actively participate to be successful. My goal is to provide a positive and engaging learning environment. The student’s goal is to participate freely in order to succeed in a bully free environment.
expectations please … Show respect to students and staff. Be prepared. Be in seat when bell rings with your binder open to last page of notes. Wait for permission to speak. Only use electronic devices when permitted in this classroom. BULLYING IS NOT ALLOWED! THANK YOU!
consequences Verbal redirecting Teaching time out Teacher detention/call home Removal from the classroom + consequences Stay in class and be successful! You can do it!
Grading Policy HOMEWORK: Students may not have written homework every night, but nightly review of vocabulary is expected. Everyday homework is students are expected to eat well, sleep well, and be well! TESTS AND QUIZZES: If a student misses a test or quiz the student needs to find time during, before, or after school to take it. Quizzes and homework make up most of the quarter average. Ten Participation points may be earned every quarter. Grades are added together and divided by the total possible points for the grading period.
SUPPLIES- please bring to class with you: 2" Three Ring Binder a pencil, and a BLUE OR BLACK PEN ONLY loose leaf paper highlighter colored pencils, crayons, or markers a positive attitude
Together we are going to make this a great school year! ¡Vámonos!