Update of 2017 Activities of the ENVIRONET NORM Project Karen P. Smith Waste Technology Section, NEFW IAEA Plenary Meeting of the Network on Environmental Management and Remediation (ENVIRONET) 5-7 December 2017 Vienna, Austria
The NORM Project Promoting Good Practices and Providing Knowledge Transfer Applicable to the Management of NORM Residues and Wastes OBJECTIVES Compile and share good practices and technologies to support Member States in enhancing approaches to NORM management Collect and consolidate information to refine and enhance assistance provided to Member States ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 2
Intended Outcomes of the NORM Project Increased knowledge and technical capacity specific to management of NORM residues/wastes/legacy sites Enhanced national capabilities to develop policies and strategies for NORM residue/waste management and remediation of legacy sites, and establish required infrastructure Improved understanding of NORM institutional infrastructures and inventories across Member States ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 3
NORM Residue and Waste Management Issues Terminology NORM Policy & Stakeholder Involvement Policy, strategy, regulation Exemption levels Conditional clearance Cost, funding, resource requirements Raising MS awareness Stakeholder engagement Import, export, international trade NORM Characterization & Risk Assessment Inventory NORM characterization NORM measurements Risk Assessment Management Framework Life-cycle management Integrated safety management Cost assessment National management approach Waste management options Stakeholder involvement Transportation Emergency preparedness Closure or decommissioning Long-term stewardship Legacy Sites Identification Characterization Risk assessment Remedial action Costing and funding See Table 1 of the NORM Project ToR for complete list ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 4
Proposed Activities and Deliverables Activity Description Mechanism Deliverables 1 Best Practices Guidance Practical guidance on NORM residue/waste and legacy site management Consultants meetings and working groups Series of guidance documents released in multiple formats 2 Transfer of Knowledge and Best Practices Workshops and training events providing practical experience on best practices associated with all topics in Table 1 Regional or interregional events Technical experts funded by IAEA Participants funded by individual companies Training materials 3 Direct Assistance to Member States Provision of direct technical assistance Expert missions, including site visits Technical documents (e.g., mission reports) Case studies See Table 2 of the NORM Project ToR for more details ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 5
Three Current Tasks Under Activity 1 of the NORM Project Task 1: Considerations for Developing Policies and Strategies for NORM Residue and Waste Management Develop a document discussing aspects to be considered in developing national NORM policies and strategies Task 2: Guidance on the Assembly of NORM Inventories Develop guidance on the need and process for assembling information regarding NORM management infrastructures and NORM inventories Task 3: Assessment of Costs Associated with NORM Management Develop document providing a roadmap for assessing costs associated with the management and disposal of NORM residues and wastes, across the full lifecycle of activities (including decommissioning). ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 6
Outcomes of 2017 Technical Meeting Promoting Networking Successfully engaged new participants in the NORM Project and learned more about issues facing Member States 40 participants from 31 Member States Increased participation by industry and academia Enhanced networking opportunities between participants to promote exchange of information and future collaboration Partnering with other networks or organizations: European NORM Association (ENA) NORM4Building (COST Network) TERRITORIES (an EU project) International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 7
Task 1 Progress Task 1: Considerations for Developing National Policies and Implementing Strategies for NORM Residues and Wastes Management Lead: Gert Jonkers, consultant, The Netherlands Accomplishments Draft outline for guidance document, including case studies Preliminary content for discussion of terminology Draft IAEA Document Preparation Proposal (DPP) for document to be jointly prepared by NEFW Waste Technology Section and NSRW Waste and Environmental Safety Section ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 8
Draft Report Outline for Task 1 Introduction and definitions General Information about NORM Principles and core values Elements of Policy and Their Implications Responsibilities Inventory Management Framework (management approaches) Trans-boundary considerations Provision of resources Stakeholder engagement Elements of Strategies and Their Implications Level (industry, company, project) Detailed inventory of residues/waste Management options Human resource needs Budget and schedule Stakeholder engagement plan Annexes Terminology Case studies References ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 9
Task 2 Progress Task 2: Guidance on the Assembly of Relevant NORM Information by Member State (NORM Inventories) Lead: Wouter Schroeyers, Hasselt University, Belgium Accomplishments Draft outline for guidance document Preliminary methodology for developing inventories, including list of information sources Framework for presenting case studies presenting experience of (1) countries with completed inventories and (2) countries that work with the draft methodology/guidance document ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 10
Draft Report Outline for Task 2 Purpose and Use of an Inventory Scope General methodology flow chart Inventory information Description of operating NORM related industry Legacy site description Material characteristics (natural resources, raw materials, by-products) Sources of information Data collection Sampling and measurements Estimates (how to fill information gaps) Case studies on establishing country-wide inventory Annexes Bibliography on existing data on activity concentration (e.g. NORM4Building) ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 11
Task 3 Progress Task 3: Assessment of Costs Associated with NORM Management Lead: Anne Delos, ARCADIS ESG, France Accomplishments Developed scope, objectives, and important considerations to be addressed through this task Identified potential deliverables Developed a preliminary list of cost elements ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 12
Elements for Task 3 Deliverable Develop a document providing a roadmap for generic cost calculations for management and disposal of NORM residues and wastes, across the full lifecycle of activities (including decommissioning) The roadmap should: Include generic cost items (e.g., decontamination) Include detailed cost items (e.g., water jetting) Be applicable to all NORM-related industries Establish method to prioritize the most significant cost elements Include examples and case studies ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 13
Important Considerations Related to Cost Cost : policy implications Waste volume reduction can increase activity levels Cost as it relates to activity or mass/volume Long-term storage vs. final disposal solutions – need for a waste repository Implications of State-owned vs. private entities for NORM management Centralized vs. dispersed management facilities On-site vs. off-site storage and disposal Consider various pre-disposal operations and waste acceptance criteria ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 14
Priorities for 2018 Develop draft deliverables for all 3 tasks Continue collaborations with other networks and organizations Joint IAEA-ENA session at IRPA Congress, June 2018 1st ENA Workshop, November 2018 Explore collaborative effort between IAEA and academics to establishing a post-graduate program (PhD-level and post-doc) to further develop capacity in Member States and provide valuable research support to the NORM Project, we propose establishing a post-graduate program (PhD- level and post-doc) [possible vehicle: ICTP-IAEA Sandwich Training Educational Programme (STEP) (Trieste)] Maximize use of IT solutions Enhance capabilities of the CONNECT platform Webinars Document-sharing platforms ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 15
Potential Schedule for 2018 Proposed Activity Location Timing Concurrent Consultancy Meetings for Preparation of: Guidance material on policy and strategy for NORM waste management (Task 1) NORM waste inventory development (Task 2) Cost estimate of NORM waste management (Task 3) Vienna, Austria Q2/2018 Support to Special Session on NORM at the 5th European IRPA Congress (in collaboration with ENA) The Hague, Netherlands Regional Workshop on Development of Detailed NORM Waste Inventories TBD Q4/2018 3rd Technical Meeting of the ENVIRONET NORM Project NORM Project Participants Attendance at ENA Workshop Katowice, Poland ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting, Vienna, 5-7 Dec 2017 16
Thank you! Karen P. Smith ka.smith@iaea.org smithk@anl.gov Thank you!