Colossians: the answer is jesus Sharon Copestake Colossians: the answer is jesus
colossians How does Paul understand Jesus? What are the questions that need Jesus to be the answer? What does that have to do with us today?
The letter who wrote it? where was it posted? what was the relationship?
Colossae today
False teaching offers spiritual fullness (2.10) offers spiritual freedom (2.8, 2.18) asceticism as way to maturity (2.16) offers special protection (2.15) gnosticism (2.15) divisive (2.18)
Supremacy of christ – 1 rescuer (1.13) image of the invisible God (1.15) firstborn of all creation (1.15) in Him all things created (1.16) all things created through him (1.16) He is before all things (1.17) In Him all things hold together (1.17) Head of the body (church) (1.18)
Supremacy of christ – 2 the beginning (1.18) firstborn from the dead (1.18) first place in everything (1.18) fullness of God dwells in Him (1.19) all things reconciled to God through Him (1.20) peace made (1.20) mystery of God known (2.2) all wisdom (2.2)
Supremacy of Christ – 3 all knowledge (2.2) Lord (2.6) fullness of God (2.9) head of rulers and authorities (2.10) raised from the dead (2.12) disarms rulers (2.15) triumphs (2.15) seated on right hand of God (3.1)
Our inheritance -1 blameless (1.21) have hope (1.27) receive Christ (2.6) come to fullness (2.10) old selves buried (2.12) raised through faith (2.12) made alive (2.13)
Our inheritance – 2 forgiven (2.13, 3,13) raised with Christ (3.1) hidden with Christ in God (3.3) equal with one another (3.11) Christ is all for us (3.11) chosen ones (3.12) one body (3.15)
Seeing the whole
Relationships for holy living with our inner selves (3.1-8) with one another (3.9-17) with our family (3.18-21) with work (3.22-4.1) with the stranger (4.2-6)
Image of god
What were the questions? Who is the one: upon whom I should base my faith? through whom I should understand myself? by whom I should live my life?